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发布时间:2018-11-17 13:02
【摘要】: 从最初的吆喝叫卖到现在的企业听觉识别系统的打造,广告音乐在品牌传播中的重要作用不断凸现。影视广告声音和画面并驾齐驱的特点,以及更具感染力和穿透力的视听融为一体的媒介形式为广告业注入了无尽的活力,但同时也对广告音乐的发展提出了更高的要求。影视广告音乐以其独特的艺术特色、多样化的功能及多元化的形式成为影视广告中不可或缺的创意元素,也在品牌传播中发挥着不可替代的情感沟通作用。广告音乐对品牌传播的作用体现在多方面:营造广告意境氛围,强化品牌情感的表达,深化广告内容的视觉效果,加强广告中的叙事性,为品牌的符号塑造打造视听结合的立体效果,增加品牌的附加值等等。音乐中的四大要素:旋律、节奏、和声及音色,每一个要素都对品牌态度的形成起到了重要的影响。 本文从对影视广告音乐的概念、分类及功能进行的梳理入手,通过对受众及音乐本身两个方面的剖析,总结出影视广告音乐如何对品牌传播造成影响。通过音乐受众的差异化、受众卷入度以及受众共鸣因素三个方面,层层深入地分析了受众对广告音乐的感受和接受程度的差异,并分析了影视广告音乐中各音乐元素与品牌传播的关系,肯定了广告音乐在品牌传播中对品牌感知、品牌体验、品牌情绪、品牌调性塑造及品牌形象再现的重要作用。 依据对近百个“消费者理想品牌”品牌形象广告音乐的分析,笔者归纳出广告音乐在品牌形象广告中应用的规律和趋势,即:品牌形象影视广告音乐的旋律以流行音乐为主,音乐的旋律须与品牌定位切合;品牌形象影视广告音乐的情感表达多为轻松欢快,音乐的情感表达须与品牌的诉求点相符;品牌形象影视广告音乐方式仍以主题音乐为主,但“声品牌”的打造能使品牌传播达到更好的效果。 音乐在影视广告中的运用往往存在着同质化模仿严重、版权意识不足等问题。因此,对广告音乐在品牌传播中影响的研究,将有助于企业在运用音乐作为品牌传播手段时,真正用音乐来诉说,用音乐建立与消费者沟通的桥梁,为品牌的形象塑造创造更好的途径。
[Abstract]:From the initial shouting to the establishment of the enterprise auditory recognition system, the important role of advertising music in brand communication has been highlighted. The characteristics of sound and picture in film and television advertising, as well as the more infectious and penetrating audio-visual media form, have injected endless vitality into the advertising industry, but at the same time, they have put forward higher requirements for the development of advertising music. With its unique artistic characteristics, diversified functions and diversified forms, video advertising music has become an indispensable creative element in film and television advertising, and also plays an irreplaceable role in emotional communication in brand communication. The function of advertising music to brand communication is reflected in many aspects: creating the atmosphere of advertisement mood, strengthening the expression of brand emotion, deepening the visual effect of advertising content, and strengthening the narration in advertisement. Create the stereoscopic effect of audio-visual combination for the brand symbol, increase the added value of brand and so on. The four elements of music: melody, rhythm, harmony and timbre, each factor plays an important role in the formation of brand attitude. This article starts with the concept, classification and function of the music of film and television advertisement, and summarizes how the music of film and television advertisement has an impact on the brand communication through the analysis of the audience and the music itself. Through the difference of music audience, the degree of audience involvement and the factors of audience resonance, the author deeply analyzes the difference of audience's feeling and acceptance of advertising music. It also analyzes the relationship between music elements and brand communication in film and television advertising music, and affirms the important role of advertising music in brand awareness, brand experience, brand emotion, brand tone shaping and brand image reproduction in brand communication. Based on the analysis of nearly 100 "consumer ideal brands" brand image advertising music, the author sums up the law and trend of the application of advertising music in brand image advertising, that is, the melody of brand image film and television advertising music is mainly pop music. The melody of music should be in line with the brand positioning; The emotional expression of brand image, film and television advertising music is mostly relaxed and cheerful, and the emotional expression of music should be consistent with the demand point of the brand. Brand image, film and television advertising music is still dominated by theme music, but the creation of "sound brand" can make brand communication achieve better results. The use of music in film and television advertising often has problems such as serious homogenous imitation and lack of copyright consciousness. Therefore, the study of the influence of advertising music in brand communication will be helpful for enterprises to use music as a means of brand communication, to really use music to tell, and to use music to build a bridge with consumers. To create a better way for the image of the brand.


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