[Abstract]:In recent years, cultural research has become a hot topic. Many experts and scholars have written books and devoted themselves to the field of cultural research. Culture is an important part of social life and an invisible spiritual force, which provides spiritual power and intellectual support for the survival and development of our nation and region. Regional culture is a branch of culturology. Regional culture is a unique form of expression of culture in a specific area. It is composed of a whole set of traditional concepts, modes of thinking and value system. The culture of the Northeast region is a culture with distinct characteristics and an important part of the Chinese culture. The construction of the Northeast Culture is related to the economic and political development of the Northeast region and even to the development of the whole country. It is of great practical significance for the modernization of northeast culture to study the present situation and law of northeast culture communication. The paper is divided into four parts. The first part combs the historical context of the northeast culture development; the second part analyzes spatio-temporal environment, the third part explores the problems in the Northeast culture communication. In the fourth part, the author puts forward some reasonable suggestions on the problems existing in the cultural communication of Northeast China. This article takes the brand culture product dissemination of Northeast China as a case study. Through this study, I try to sum up the advantages of Northeast regional culture, from the perspective of communication, from the communication channel model, communication mechanism, communication effect and so on, using cultural anthropology, communication, communication, This paper analyzes the present situation of the spread of regional culture in Northeast China, finds out the problems existing in the process of spreading the culture in Northeast China, and probes into the communication strategy of regional culture in Northeast China.
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