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发布时间:2018-11-28 08:47
【摘要】: 市场经济下城市浪潮中的各国城市正面临着一场“新造城运动”,历史、地理、人文条件千差万别的城市都在思考着同一个命题:如何塑造城市品牌。没有品牌的城市等于一座没有生命的孤城。城市品牌具有不可替代的经济文化内涵和人文创造精华。城市品牌化的力量就是让人们了解和认知某一区域并将某种形象和联想与这个城市的存在自然联系在一起。 随着中国经济市场化程度的加深,城市数量和规模的迅速发展,使得城市对各要素的争夺日趋激烈,同时,中国融入世界的步伐也在加快,面对来自国际和国内城市的更加激烈的竞争,一些走在前面的城市逐渐认识到,要在竞争中取得优势,必须打造自己的核心竞争力和城市品牌。城市品牌的打造离不开传播领域,如何通过传播领域,使得城市品牌产生增值和溢价是一个值得探讨的课题。 本文选取地方媒体这个着眼点,立足品牌关系利益人和品牌战略理论,运用内容分析法,分析地方媒体与城市品牌增值之间的关系,反映出地方媒体在城市品牌传播过程中的特有的地位和作用。 在整个分析过程中,地方媒体和城市品牌始终是研究考察的对象,并以苏州地方媒体为例,通过具体分析,可以看到地方媒体充当着城市品牌的各关系利益人的“能动的中介”角色。如何扮演好这个角色是地方媒体为城市品牌增值溢价的关键。通过分析可以看出,地方媒体欠缺公信力和影响力,要扮演好“能动的中介”角色需要进行地方媒体自身品牌影响力的打造。 当地方媒体自身拥有了足够的品牌影响力时,才有可能帮助城市品牌进行增值和溢价。地方媒体如何为城市品牌增值溢价也是本文的重点探讨的内容。 总之,地方媒体如若能够突破自身的局限,拥有足够的品牌影响力,那么,必然能为城市品牌的传播和增值起到前所未有的辐射作用。
[Abstract]:Under the market economy, cities all over the world are facing a "new city building movement". Cities with different historical, geographical and cultural conditions are thinking about the same proposition: how to shape the city brand. A city without a brand is an isolated city without life. City brand has irreplaceable economic and cultural connotation and human creation essence. The power of city branding is to make people understand and recognize a certain area and link a certain image and association with the existence of the city. With the deepening of the marketization of China's economy and the rapid development of the number and scale of cities, the competition among cities for various elements is becoming increasingly fierce. At the same time, the pace of China's integration into the world is also speeding up. In the face of more fierce competition from international and domestic cities, some leading cities gradually realize that in order to gain advantages in the competition, they must build their own core competitiveness and city brand. The creation of city brand can not be separated from the field of communication. How to make the city brand produce value added and premium is a topic worth discussing through the field of communication. This article selects the local media as the starting point, bases on the brand relation benefit person and the brand strategy theory, uses the content analysis method, analyzes the relationship between the local media and the city brand increment. It reflects the unique position and role of local media in the process of urban brand communication. In the whole process of analysis, local media and city brands are always the objects of investigation, and taking Suzhou local media as an example, through specific analysis, It can be seen that the local media acts as the "active intermediary" role of the various stakeholders of the city brand. How to play this role is the local media for the city brand value-added premium key. Through the analysis, we can see that the local media lack credibility and influence, to play the role of "active intermediary" need to build the brand influence of local media. When the local media have enough brand influence, it is possible to help the city brand to add value and premium. How the local media value-added premium for the city brand is also the focus of this paper. In a word, if the local media can break through its own limitations and have enough brand influence, it will certainly play an unprecedented role in the dissemination and appreciation of urban brands.


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