[Abstract]:By analyzing the market environment, industry background and current brand performance of QF Industry and Trade Company, this paper studies and changes the current situation of vanguard QF brand, how to change the position of vanguard QF brand in consumers' mind, and how to enhance brand popularity. In particular, brand awareness among young consumers, and how to maintain brand loyalty and improve brand image is the focus of this paper. This article mainly through the typical market carries on the market research, analyzes the research conclusion, seeks the question and the disparity, and proposes the feasible solution. The research is mainly aimed at dealers, promoters and consumers in typical markets, in order to find the defects and weaknesses of the current QF brand in order to improve it. Through a survey of the markets in Xi'an, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Chongqing and Jiangsu and Zhejiang, we can find that the QF brand is a typical regional brand with a high reputation in Sichuan and Chongqing, while it basically belongs to the second or third tier brands outside the province. Consumer attention and awareness is very low, basically rely on word of mouth marketing in operation. Therefore, from the national market, the QF brand in the kitchen appliances market is still in the status of followers. Its brand loyalty, popularity, recognition and brand association belong to a low position, at present, the most need to solve is how to effectively enhance the brand reputation and reputation, enhance the competitiveness of the brand. It is not difficult to find out from the survey that the main reasons for the present situation of QF brand are as follows: the lack of systematic promotion plan for 1.QF brand; 2.QF brand positioning fuzzy 3.QF brand mainly rely on word of mouth to spread the lack of communication; 4.QF brand investment is insufficient. Therefore, through the analysis of the market research results, this paper reclassifies the QF brand's consumer group, and determines that the Chinese families whose age is under 35 years old and whose annual household income is in the range of 3 to 100 thousand are our target consumer groups. According to the concept of brand positioning, the QF brand is re-positioned to determine the theme of "feel the charm of life" brand appeal. And in view of the lack of systematic promotion planning in the past and the shortcomings of single communication channel, we should re-plan and manage brand promotion, and identify new and multi-faceted brand promotion and communication channels. And how to improve brand competitiveness is discussed.
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