发布时间:2019-05-24 18:40
【摘要】: 从2001年北京成功申办奥运会开始,关于奥运、奥运营销的信息、广告战已经拉长了有8年之久,在消费者日渐审美疲劳的时候,如何在奥运营销的红海中拔得头筹,需要走出一条与众不同的差异化路线。一些品牌深谙此道,经过缜密的策划,打出了一场漂亮的另类营销战,于是,一个新兴名词“品牌超限战”应运而生。 对于非奥运赞助商们而言,因为受限,所以必须超限,品牌超限战是它们展示自身智慧和策略的平台,理所当然成为这场运动的主角。以最小成本换取最大收益,出奇制胜,走品牌超限战的道路注定能够异军突起,引起消费者的注意。本文重点对不同品牌在参与奥运营销中所采取的品牌超限战策略进行深度分析,并以前瞻的视角探讨奥运会之后品牌超限战的未来之路。
[Abstract]:Since Beijing successfully bid for the Olympic Games in 2001, the information about the Olympic Games and Olympic marketing has been lengthened for eight years. At a time when consumers are becoming more and more aesthetically tired, how to get the top spot in the Red Sea of Olympic marketing. Need to go out of a different route of differentiation. Some brands are well aware of this, after careful planning, played a beautiful alternative marketing war, so a new term "brand beyond the limit war" emerges as the times require. For non-Olympic sponsors, because of restrictions, they must exceed the limit, brand war is their platform to demonstrate their wisdom and strategy, of course, become the protagonist of the movement. With the minimum cost for maximum benefits, surprise victory, take the road of brand war is bound to emerge suddenly, attract the attention of consumers. This paper focuses on the in-depth analysis of the brand over-limit warfare strategies adopted by different brands in participating in Olympic marketing, and discusses the future road of brand over-limit warfare after the Olympic Games from a prospective perspective.
[Abstract]:Since Beijing successfully bid for the Olympic Games in 2001, the information about the Olympic Games and Olympic marketing has been lengthened for eight years. At a time when consumers are becoming more and more aesthetically tired, how to get the top spot in the Red Sea of Olympic marketing. Need to go out of a different route of differentiation. Some brands are well aware of this, after careful planning, played a beautiful alternative marketing war, so a new term "brand beyond the limit war" emerges as the times require. For non-Olympic sponsors, because of restrictions, they must exceed the limit, brand war is their platform to demonstrate their wisdom and strategy, of course, become the protagonist of the movement. With the minimum cost for maximum benefits, surprise victory, take the road of brand war is bound to emerge suddenly, attract the attention of consumers. This paper focuses on the in-depth analysis of the brand over-limit warfare strategies adopted by different brands in participating in Olympic marketing, and discusses the future road of brand over-limit warfare after the Olympic Games from a prospective perspective.
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