[Abstract]:At present, the brand is the core asset of the enterprise which is different from the competition. In 2008, the global economic situation is reversed, and the enterprise can't manage the brand as much as it is before, but the brand differentiation strategy should be carefully cultivated in order to obtain more living space. In order to solve all the problems related to the brand, such as brand design, brand adjustment, brand integration, and so on, the enterprise should first recognize the competitive situation of brand differentiation. Based on this significance, this paper puts forward a set of multi-dimensional evaluation method of brand differentiation based on the theory of ecology from the point of view of customer value, which is of great theoretical and practical significance. Based on the research results of brand and ecology, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis and driving factors of brand differentiation, and discusses the niche space of brand differentiation and the brand differentiation strategy based on niche separation. In this paper, the multi-dimensional evaluation model of brand differentiation is designed based on the quantitative analysis method of ecology, and the evaluation index and the measuring method are described in detail. Finally, the feasibility of the evaluation model is demonstrated by introducing the empirical analysis. And verification. The article is divided into six chapters. In the first chapter, the background and significance of the research are summarized in the first chapter. The second chapter summarizes the relevant research documents, points out that the present research on brand differentiation is not systematic and comprehensive, and lacks the deep-depth and quantitative analysis of the theoretical foundation, and the brand ecology is the brand differentiation. The research and development of the field of vision, on the basis of this, put forward In the third chapter, the paper makes an analogy analysis on the brand differentiation strategy from the angle of ecology, and draws a conclusion that the mechanism of the brand differentiation strategy is intuitive and accurate with the help of the theory of niche space. The fourth chapter, based on the analysis of the target and principle of brand differentiation, constructs a multi-dimensional evaluation model of brand differentiation based on the theory of ecology, introduces the method of measuring the niche, and expounds the three resource dimensions in detail. The fifth chapter is to select the brand of shampoo as an empirical object, and evaluate the differentiation degree of each brand by using the multi-dimensional evaluation model constructed above. The result shows that the model can evaluate the difference of the brand in different dimensions. The paper sums up the research of the full text, points out the main achievements and the innovation points of the research, and studies the follow-up. The paper looks forward to the work. This paper studies the theory of ecology in the brand differentiation by the above research work. First of all, the driving mechanism of brand differentiation is explained from the brand ecological system; secondly, the concept of the relative width of the niche is proposed to better describe the utilization degree of the brand to the resource, the original calculation method is modified, It is applied to the measurement of brand differentiation; the quantitative analysis model of brand differentiation is constructed, and the research application field of brand ecology is expanded, and the ecological method is shown
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