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发布时间:2019-06-25 19:56
【摘要】: 由美国次货危机衍生的经济危机一经蔓延便迅速引爆全球金融海啸。在危机中,一些企业由于没有有效的构建企业文化的运行机制,没有对企业文化和品牌文化的良性互动有一个正确的理解,其品牌在激烈的市场竞争中逐渐走向衰败。如何使这些企业摆脱文化建设的困境,本文对于企业文化和品牌文化的辩证关系,从理论角度进行系统全面的分析,辅以企业文化作用于品牌文化建设模型,对企业文化作用于品牌文化建设的路径进行了详细的论述。最后总结和归纳了我国企业在文化建设中出现的一些问题及其原因,并从主观、客观因素两方面进行了分析,提出了对未来的展望。 本文主要包括五部分内容。 引文部分探讨了论题的选题背景与意义,介绍了国内外企业文化和品牌文化的研究现状,以及本文基本的研究方法和思路。 第一章主要介绍企业文化和品牌文化的概念及国内外的研究现状,在进入具体而深入地分析两者的辩证关系及相互作用前有一个较为全面的认识,为随后的研究确立起基本的框架。 第二章对企业文化和品牌文化进行了具体比较和分析,提出反映两者辩证关系的结论。 第三章对企业文化作用于品牌文化的建设进行了策略研究,通过“核心价值观”、“品牌价值观”、“组织行为”、“可外化要素”以及“消费者感知水平”五个因素相互关系的分析找到了企业文化作用于品牌文化的路径。 第四章以TCL优秀的企业文化提高品牌竞争力、建设品牌文化的成功案例来继续说明企业文化在品牌文化建设当中的重要作用。 第五章总结和归纳了我国企业在文化建设中出现的一些问题及其原因,并从主观因素、客观因素两方面进行了分析,并提出了未来展望。
[Abstract]:As soon as the economic crisis spawned by the US defective crisis spread, it quickly detonated the global financial tsunami. In the crisis, some enterprises do not have a correct understanding of the benign interaction between corporate culture and brand culture because they do not have an effective operating mechanism to construct corporate culture, and their brands are gradually declining in the fierce market competition. How to get these enterprises out of the predicament of cultural construction, this paper makes a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the dialectical relationship between corporate culture and brand culture from a theoretical point of view, supplemented by the model of corporate culture acting on brand culture construction, and discusses in detail the path of corporate culture acting on brand culture construction. Finally, some problems and their causes in the cultural construction of Chinese enterprises are summarized and summarized, and the subjective and objective factors are analyzed, and the prospect for the future is put forward. This paper mainly includes five parts. The citation part discusses the background and significance of the topic, introduces the research status of corporate culture and brand culture at home and abroad, as well as the basic research methods and ideas of this paper. The first chapter mainly introduces the concepts of corporate culture and brand culture and the research status at home and abroad. Before entering the concrete and in-depth analysis of the dialectical relationship and interaction between the two, there is a more comprehensive understanding, which establishes the basic framework for the subsequent research. The second chapter makes a specific comparison and analysis of corporate culture and brand culture, and puts forward the conclusion reflecting the dialectical relationship between the two. The third chapter makes a strategic study on the role of corporate culture in the construction of brand culture, and finds out the way in which corporate culture acts on brand culture through the analysis of the relationship among five factors: "core values", "brand values", "organizational behavior", "externalized elements" and "consumer perception level". The fourth chapter continues to explain the important role of corporate culture in the construction of brand culture by using TCL excellent corporate culture to improve brand competitiveness and build brand culture. The fifth chapter summarizes and sums up some problems and their causes in the cultural construction of Chinese enterprises, analyzes them from two aspects: subjective factors and objective factors, and puts forward some prospects for the future.


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