发布时间:2019-06-27 12:12
【摘要】: 消费市场的复杂多变、日益激烈的市场竞争、能源和环境问题是当今企业所面临的三个主要问题,他们给企业的生存与发展带来了前所未有的挑战。在复杂和动荡的环境中,为了应付日益挑剔的消费者、并购和竞争的压力、社会舆论的监督,品牌联盟已经成为一种创造利益、降低风险的有效的竞争战略,企业投资决策的主要选择之一。品牌联盟是“两个或两个以上品牌有形或无形属性结合”,它的目的是充分利用多个合作品牌的力量,提高顾客对产品或服务的评价。由于新品牌开发战略的失败率持续上升,品牌联盟已经成为一种日益广泛的市场现象,甚至是某些行业主要的商业运作方式。尽管如此,品牌联盟还是一项较新的市场战略,处于发展的起步阶段,面临着许多基础的管理问题和学术问题,但是随着品牌管理研究重新焕发生机,它已经成为近些年品牌研究领域兴起的一个新的热点问题。 论文首先简要介绍了研究的背景,对品牌联盟研究进行了概述,然后分析了品牌联盟战略的内涵、特征和类型,以及影响品牌联盟评价的各种可能因素。其后,在影响因素分析和参考已有模型的基础上,提出了一个较为完整的品牌联盟评价的概念模型框架,并通过实证分析检验了相关变量之间的影响效果。在此研究的基础上,本文进入一个尝试性的动态研究,引入复杂系统中的NK模型来分析品牌联盟战略在长期内的有效性如何。最后,概括总结了相应的研究结论,讨论了研究的理论和实践意义,以及进一步的研究方向。 研究者们给出的品牌联盟定义不尽一致,其术语也存在多种表述形式,但品牌联盟本质上是一种合作性的营销活动,合作的内容既包含有形资源也包含无形资源,期限的长短也各不相同。品牌联盟不同于战略联盟,它是一种协议性的合作,一般至少会有一个知名品牌参加,合作双方必须有共同的客户基础,能为顾客创造价值,各个参与品牌在品牌联盟活动中受到的影响是不均衡的。学者们对品牌联盟的分类也没有统一的意见,大多是为了研究需要或更好的理解品牌联盟的特征,本文列出了几类较为完善的分类模式。目前用于品牌联盟分析的理论主要是信号理论,其它也包括如联想网络理论、情境理论、信息整合理论等,文献中出现的品牌联盟评价的影响因素主要包括品牌事前态度、适应性和熟悉度等。 在概念模型框架中,本文区分了熟悉度和知名度两个不同的概念,同时相对以前的研究添加了几个新的变量一脆弱性、顾客感知利益和延伸适应度,分析了它们对品牌联盟及其参与品牌评价的直接影响效果和相互之间的交互作用。研究设计选择了通信品牌厂商与手机品牌厂商的合作形式,构建了3个实验场景,第1个场景为联合促销,即移动通信品牌配合手机品牌进行手机产品的促销;第2个场景为产品开发,即移动运营品牌厂商希望开发手机产品,寻求与一个现有的手机品牌厂商进行合作;场景3同样分析了一个手机产品开发合作,不过合作的双方是固网通信厂商与手机厂商。场景3和场景2的不同之处在于合作双方的产品互补性和主导品牌的延伸适应性较低。 研究结果表明,知名度和熟悉度是两个不同含义的概念,品牌知名度无论在何种条件下都对品牌联盟和参与品牌的评价有显著的影响。但是,在一个参与品牌产品适应性较强的场景中,品牌的熟悉度只会影响到自身的事后评价,而不会影响合作伙伴;另一方面,在联合促销场景中,品牌熟悉度对品牌联盟的评价不存在显著的影响,但是在产品开发场景中,品牌熟悉度对品牌联盟存在显著的影响;此外,在参与品牌产品适应性较弱的场景中,品牌熟悉度既对品牌联盟的评价有显著的影响,也对各个参与品牌的评价有显著的影响。研究结果暗示,知名度无论在何种场景下都是一个显著影响品牌联盟评价和参与品牌评价的变量,而熟悉度在不同的场景下对品牌联盟及其参与品牌评价的影响不同,在参与品牌间适应性显著的情况下,它很难对合作伙伴的评价产生影响,如果参与品牌间的合作不是那么深入(如联合促销),它对品牌联盟评价的影响也不会很大,但是当其它品牌联盟和品牌评价的影响因素强度较弱时(如参与品牌间适应性较弱),熟悉度的影响就变得显著了。因此,一个联合促销决策应尽力寻求一个知名的合作伙伴,但是一个联合产品开发决策,可以选择一个消费者熟悉的品牌,在远延伸的情况下,这种合作甚至更有效。 结构模型结果的分析显示,品牌脆弱性、顾客感知利益、延伸产品适应度与品牌态度之间存在强烈的交互作用,在这种作用存在的情况下,它们对品牌联盟评价的直接影响是不显著的,因此在分析品牌联盟评价的直接影响因素时似乎不用考虑它们。其次,参与品牌间的产品适应度与顾客感知利益间存在交互影响,由于这种影响的存在,产品适应度对品牌联盟评价的影响可能不像品牌适应度对品牌联盟评价的影响那么显著。这种结果暗示,在建立品牌联盟时,最重要的影响因素就是消费者对参与品牌的态度评价,其次是品牌适应度和产品适应度,管理者应该首先考虑寻找一个具有良好品牌形象的合作伙伴,然后再考虑选择一个适应性较强的品牌,其它相关因素可能都是次要的,至少是可以通过较短时间的营销活动进行弥补的,而品牌态度和品牌形象的塑造则是一个长期的艰难的历程。 品牌联盟的研究目前还处于静态比较研究阶段,缺乏时间维度的动态分析,许多研究者指出,时间维度的纵向研究对于分析品牌联盟的效果是极其重要的。本文试图转入一个长期的动态研究,说明长期内企业坚持不懈的品牌联盟努力是有效的,持续的进行品牌联盟在长期内是一个有效的战略。从动态和长期的角度来看,品牌联盟的最终目的是通过品牌联盟活动来提升对参与品牌的评价。本文利用Kauffman(1993)提出的生物学NK模型分析了品牌联盟战略相对独立品牌开发战略是否是一个更好的战略,研究中考虑了三个影响因素一消费者“认可的异质性协同”(RHS,Recognized heterogeneity synergies)、行业区别和复杂性,分析了它们对提升消费者对参与品牌的评价的作用。RHS从适应性(Fit)引申而来,是定义模型演化规则的理论基础。因为不同行业的品牌联盟可能比同行业的品牌联盟“异质性”更强,需要分析它是否更加有效。“复杂性”来自NK模型或者更进一步说复杂系统理论,是NK模型研究的一个系统的关键影响因素,此外,这里的复杂性也指由于企业和市场的震动对品牌形象的影响。 NK模型的分析结果显示,行业区别对品牌联盟效果的影响并不显著,一个稍微复杂的品牌同行业的合作伙伴就存在充分的“异质性”,能够帮助品牌跳出局部高峰,因此在品牌形象较为复杂的情况下,异业品牌联盟和同业品牌联盟的效果几乎没有区别;在环境稳定的情况下,品牌联盟的策略是有效的,无论对于形象结构复杂还是简单的品牌,形象结构复杂的品牌在提升评价的过程中由于受到复杂性更多的限制,因此更愿意使用品牌联盟的策略;当来自企业的震荡使品牌形象特征被重新定义时,为了减弱冲击和迅速恢复品牌的市场影响力,应该尽力维持而不是取消一个品牌联盟;如果品牌面临着一个剧烈变化的市场,品牌形象复杂化可以增强品牌应对市场变化的能力,延长品牌生命周期,实现品牌投资的持续累积;同时,在一个快速变化的市场上,形象结构简单的品牌没有必要进行品牌联盟活动,而对形象结构复杂的品牌来说,品牌联盟仍然是一个有效的策略。 目前品牌联盟的研究尚需要解决一些基本的学术问题和管理问题。进一步的研究应该关注两个方向,一是影响品牌联盟评价的调节变量和情境变量,二是消费者评价品牌联盟及其参与品牌的心理模式和过程。理论研究中,应该更多的关注符号品牌联盟、继续探索适应性维度和从信息经济学角度更深入的解释品牌联盟现象;实证研究需要进行纵向的比较案例研究、分析品牌联盟的特有的评价问题以及品牌联盟与参与品牌之间的交互作用;实践领域,一个进行品牌联盟的企业可能要面对许多新的品牌管理问题。
[Abstract]:The complex and changeable of the consumer market, the increasingly fierce market competition, the energy and the environment problem are the three main problems that today's enterprises face, and they bring an unprecedented challenge to the survival and development of the enterprise. In the complex and volatile environment, in order to cope with the increasingly picky consumers, the pressure of M & A and the competition, the supervision of the public opinion, the brand alliance has become an effective competition strategy to create the benefits and reduce the risk, and one of the main choices of the enterprise investment decision. The brand alliance is a "combination of two or more brands of tangible or intangible attributes", the purpose of which is to make full use of the power of multiple cooperative brands, and to improve the customer's evaluation of products or services. As the failure rate of the new brand development strategy continues to rise, the brand alliance has become an increasingly widespread market phenomenon, and is even the main commercial operation mode of some industries. Nevertheless, the brand alliance is a relatively new market strategy, in the beginning of development, facing many basic management problems and academic problems, but as the brand management research is renewed, It has become a new hot issue in the field of brand research in recent years. In this paper, the background of the research is briefly introduced, the research of the brand alliance is summarized, then the connotation, characteristics and types of the brand alliance strategy are analyzed, and the possibilities of influencing the evaluation of the brand alliance are analyzed. Then, on the basis of the influence factor analysis and the reference to the existing model, a more complete conceptual model framework of brand alliance evaluation is put forward, and the effect between the relevant variables is verified by the empirical analysis. Effect: On the basis of this study, this paper comes into a tentative dynamic study, and introduces the NK model in the complex system to analyze the effectiveness of the brand alliance strategy in the long term. In the end, the corresponding research conclusions are summarized, the theoretical and practical significance of the research is discussed, and further research The direction. The definition of the brand alliance given by the researchers is not consistent, and the terms also exist in a variety of expressions, but the brand alliance is essentially a cooperative marketing activity, and the content of the cooperation includes both the physical resources and the intangible resources, and the length of the term It is also different. The brand alliance is different from the strategic alliance. It is a kind of agreement and cooperation. In general, it will have at least one well-known brand to take part. The cooperation parties must have a common customer base, which can create value for customers, and each participating brand will be affected by the brand alliance activities It is not balanced. The scholars have no unified opinions on the classification of the brand alliance, mostly for the research needs or better understanding of the characteristics of the brand alliance, and the article lists some of the more perfect. The theory of brand alliance analysis is mainly the signal theory, and other theories, such as the association network theory, the situation theory, the information integration theory and so on, the influence factors of the brand alliance evaluation that appear in the literature mainly include the prior attitude and the adaptability of the brand. In the conceptual model framework, the two different concepts of familiarity and popularity are distinguished, and several new variables, such as vulnerability and customer perception, are added to the previous research. The effect and phase of their direct impact on the brand alliance and their participation in the brand evaluation are analyzed in the interest and extension fitness. The interaction between the communication brand manufacturers and the mobile phone brand manufacturers is selected, three experimental scenes are built, and the first scene is a joint promotion, that is, the mobile communication brand is matched with the mobile phone brand to promote the mobile phone product promotion; and the second scene The scene is product development, that is, mobile operation brand manufacturers want to develop mobile phone products, seek to cooperate with an existing mobile phone brand manufacturer, and Scenario 3 also analyzes a mobile phone product development cooperation, but the two sides of the cooperation are the solid China Netcom telecom and mobile phone manufacturers. The difference between scenario 3 and scenario 2 is to cooperate with both the product complementarity and the leading brand of the two parties The research results show that the popularity and familiarity are the concepts of two different meanings, and the brand awareness is the brand alliance and the participation under any condition. The brand's evaluation has a significant impact. However, in a scenario where a brand product is more adaptive, the familiarity of the brand will only affect its own post-evaluation, without affecting the partner; on the other hand, in a joint sales promotion scenario, the brand is familiar with the brand alliance There is no significant influence on the evaluation of the brand alliance, but in the product development scenario, the familiarity of the brand has a significant impact on the brand alliance; in addition, in the scenario where the product adaptability of the brand product is weak, the brand familiarity degree has a significant influence on the evaluation of the brand alliance, The evaluation of the brand has a significant impact. The results of the study suggest that the popularity is a variable that significantly affects the evaluation of the brand alliance and the participation of the brand evaluation, regardless of the scene, and the familiarity degree has different influence on the brand alliance and its participation in the brand evaluation in different scenarios. It is difficult to have an impact on the partner's evaluation in the case of a significant board-to-brand adaptability, and if the participation in the brand is not so deep (e.g., joint promotion), it is related to the brand The influence of the evaluation of the alliance is not great, but when the influence factors of other brand alliance and brand evaluation are weak (such as the weak adaptability of the participating brands), the familiar As a result, a joint promotion decision should make every effort to find a well-known partner, but a joint product development decision can choose a brand that consumers are familiar with, extending far This kind of cooperation is even more effective. The analysis of the results of the structural model shows that there is a strong interaction between the brand's vulnerability, the perceived benefit of the customer, the fitness of the extended product and the brand's attitude, and in the presence of this effect, they are the brand The direct impact of the alliance evaluation is not significant, so the direct impact of the evaluation of the brand alliance is analyzed It is not necessary to take into account the influence factors. Secondly, there is an interaction effect between the product fitness between the participating brands and the perceived benefit of the customer. Due to the existence of this effect, the influence of the product fitness on the evaluation of the brand alliance may not be different than the brand fitness The effect of the brand alliance evaluation is then significant. The result implies that, in the establishment of the brand alliance, the most important factor is the consumer's attitude evaluation of the participating brands, the second is the brand fitness and the product fitness, and the manager should first consider seeking one. A partner with a good brand image, and then considering a more adaptable brand, other related factors may be minor, at least for short-term marketing activities, and brand attitudes and brand image The development of the brand alliance is a long-term and difficult process. The research of the brand alliance is still in the static comparative study stage, and the dynamic analysis of the time dimension is lacking. Many researchers point out that the longitudinal study of the time dimension It is of great importance to analyze the effect of the brand alliance. This paper attempts to transfer to a long-term dynamic study, which shows that the long-term enterprise's persistent brand alliance efforts are effective and continuous. The line-brand alliance is an effective strategy for a long time. From a dynamic and long-term perspective, the ultimate goal of the brand alliance is to The brand alliance's activities are used to promote the evaluation of the participating brands. In this paper, the biological NK model proposed by Kauffman (1993) is used to analyze whether the brand alliance strategy is a better strategy relative to the independent brand development strategy, and the three influencing factors, one consumer "Recognition of heterogeneous co-operation" (RHS, Recognition), are considered in the study. nggies), industry differences and complexity, and analysis of them The role of the promotion of the consumer's evaluation of the participating brands. It is the theoretical basis for defining the model evolution rule, because the brand alliance of different industries may be less than the brand alliance of the same industry u nk> is stronger and needs to be analyzed to see if it is more efficient. The "complexity" comes from the NK model or further states that the complex system theory is a key factor for a system of the NK model study, and the complexity here also refers to the The impact of the vibration of the enterprise and the market on the brand image. The analysis of the NK model shows that the effect of the industry difference on the effect of the brand alliance is not obvious, and the partner in the same industry of a slightly more complex brand has sufficient "heterogeneity" and can help the brand to jump out. The local peak, therefore, in the case of more complex brand image, the effect of the foreign brand alliance and the peer-to-peer brand alliance is almost no difference; in the case of environment stability, the strategy of the brand alliance is In the process of improving the evaluation, the brand with complex image structure is more restricted by the complexity, so it is more willing to use the strategy of the brand alliance; when the shock from the enterprise makes the brand image feature redefined, In order to reduce the impact and the rapid recovery of the market influence of the brand, we should try to maintain and not to cancel a brand alliance; if the brand is faced with a sharp-changing market, the image of the brand image can enhance the ability of the brand to deal with the change of the market, and the product Brand life cycle, to realize the continuous accumulation of brand investment; at the same time, in a rapidly changing market, the brand of the image structure is not necessary to carry out the brand alliance activities, and the image is complicated The brand alliance is still an effective strategy for the brand, and the current brand union The research of the League needs to solve some basic academic problems and management problems. Further research should focus on two directions, one is the adjustment variable and the situation variable which influence the evaluation of the brand alliance, and the other is the second. The consumer evaluation of the brand alliance and its participation in the psychological model and process of the brand. In the theoretical study, more attention should be paid to the symbol brand alliance, to continue to explore the adaptive dimension and to explain more in-depth interpretation from the angle of information economics. The phenomenon of the brand alliance; the empirical research needs to carry out the comparative case study in the longitudinal direction, analyze the unique evaluation problems of the brand alliance and the interaction between the brand alliance and the participating brands; the practice field, one in
[Abstract]:The complex and changeable of the consumer market, the increasingly fierce market competition, the energy and the environment problem are the three main problems that today's enterprises face, and they bring an unprecedented challenge to the survival and development of the enterprise. In the complex and volatile environment, in order to cope with the increasingly picky consumers, the pressure of M & A and the competition, the supervision of the public opinion, the brand alliance has become an effective competition strategy to create the benefits and reduce the risk, and one of the main choices of the enterprise investment decision. The brand alliance is a "combination of two or more brands of tangible or intangible attributes", the purpose of which is to make full use of the power of multiple cooperative brands, and to improve the customer's evaluation of products or services. As the failure rate of the new brand development strategy continues to rise, the brand alliance has become an increasingly widespread market phenomenon, and is even the main commercial operation mode of some industries. Nevertheless, the brand alliance is a relatively new market strategy, in the beginning of development, facing many basic management problems and academic problems, but as the brand management research is renewed, It has become a new hot issue in the field of brand research in recent years. In this paper, the background of the research is briefly introduced, the research of the brand alliance is summarized, then the connotation, characteristics and types of the brand alliance strategy are analyzed, and the possibilities of influencing the evaluation of the brand alliance are analyzed. Then, on the basis of the influence factor analysis and the reference to the existing model, a more complete conceptual model framework of brand alliance evaluation is put forward, and the effect between the relevant variables is verified by the empirical analysis. Effect: On the basis of this study, this paper comes into a tentative dynamic study, and introduces the NK model in the complex system to analyze the effectiveness of the brand alliance strategy in the long term. In the end, the corresponding research conclusions are summarized, the theoretical and practical significance of the research is discussed, and further research The direction. The definition of the brand alliance given by the researchers is not consistent, and the terms also exist in a variety of expressions, but the brand alliance is essentially a cooperative marketing activity, and the content of the cooperation includes both the physical resources and the intangible resources, and the length of the term It is also different. The brand alliance is different from the strategic alliance. It is a kind of agreement and cooperation. In general, it will have at least one well-known brand to take part. The cooperation parties must have a common customer base, which can create value for customers, and each participating brand will be affected by the brand alliance activities It is not balanced. The scholars have no unified opinions on the classification of the brand alliance, mostly for the research needs or better understanding of the characteristics of the brand alliance, and the article lists some of the more perfect. The theory of brand alliance analysis is mainly the signal theory, and other theories, such as the association network theory, the situation theory, the information integration theory and so on, the influence factors of the brand alliance evaluation that appear in the literature mainly include the prior attitude and the adaptability of the brand. In the conceptual model framework, the two different concepts of familiarity and popularity are distinguished, and several new variables, such as vulnerability and customer perception, are added to the previous research. The effect and phase of their direct impact on the brand alliance and their participation in the brand evaluation are analyzed in the interest and extension fitness. The interaction between the communication brand manufacturers and the mobile phone brand manufacturers is selected, three experimental scenes are built, and the first scene is a joint promotion, that is, the mobile communication brand is matched with the mobile phone brand to promote the mobile phone product promotion; and the second scene The scene is product development, that is, mobile operation brand manufacturers want to develop mobile phone products, seek to cooperate with an existing mobile phone brand manufacturer, and Scenario 3 also analyzes a mobile phone product development cooperation, but the two sides of the cooperation are the solid China Netcom telecom and mobile phone manufacturers. The difference between scenario 3 and scenario 2 is to cooperate with both the product complementarity and the leading brand of the two parties The research results show that the popularity and familiarity are the concepts of two different meanings, and the brand awareness is the brand alliance and the participation under any condition. The brand's evaluation has a significant impact. However, in a scenario where a brand product is more adaptive, the familiarity of the brand will only affect its own post-evaluation, without affecting the partner; on the other hand, in a joint sales promotion scenario, the brand is familiar with the brand alliance There is no significant influence on the evaluation of the brand alliance, but in the product development scenario, the familiarity of the brand has a significant impact on the brand alliance; in addition, in the scenario where the product adaptability of the brand product is weak, the brand familiarity degree has a significant influence on the evaluation of the brand alliance, The evaluation of the brand has a significant impact. The results of the study suggest that the popularity is a variable that significantly affects the evaluation of the brand alliance and the participation of the brand evaluation, regardless of the scene, and the familiarity degree has different influence on the brand alliance and its participation in the brand evaluation in different scenarios. It is difficult to have an impact on the partner's evaluation in the case of a significant board-to-brand adaptability, and if the participation in the brand is not so deep (e.g., joint promotion), it is related to the brand The influence of the evaluation of the alliance is not great, but when the influence factors of other brand alliance and brand evaluation are weak (such as the weak adaptability of the participating brands), the familiar As a result, a joint promotion decision should make every effort to find a well-known partner, but a joint product development decision can choose a brand that consumers are familiar with, extending far This kind of cooperation is even more effective. The analysis of the results of the structural model shows that there is a strong interaction between the brand's vulnerability, the perceived benefit of the customer, the fitness of the extended product and the brand's attitude, and in the presence of this effect, they are the brand The direct impact of the alliance evaluation is not significant, so the direct impact of the evaluation of the brand alliance is analyzed It is not necessary to take into account the influence factors. Secondly, there is an interaction effect between the product fitness between the participating brands and the perceived benefit of the customer. Due to the existence of this effect, the influence of the product fitness on the evaluation of the brand alliance may not be different than the brand fitness The effect of the brand alliance evaluation is then significant. The result implies that, in the establishment of the brand alliance, the most important factor is the consumer's attitude evaluation of the participating brands, the second is the brand fitness and the product fitness, and the manager should first consider seeking one. A partner with a good brand image, and then considering a more adaptable brand, other related factors may be minor, at least for short-term marketing activities, and brand attitudes and brand image The development of the brand alliance is a long-term and difficult process. The research of the brand alliance is still in the static comparative study stage, and the dynamic analysis of the time dimension is lacking. Many researchers point out that the longitudinal study of the time dimension It is of great importance to analyze the effect of the brand alliance. This paper attempts to transfer to a long-term dynamic study, which shows that the long-term enterprise's persistent brand alliance efforts are effective and continuous. The line-brand alliance is an effective strategy for a long time. From a dynamic and long-term perspective, the ultimate goal of the brand alliance is to The brand alliance's activities are used to promote the evaluation of the participating brands. In this paper, the biological NK model proposed by Kauffman (1993) is used to analyze whether the brand alliance strategy is a better strategy relative to the independent brand development strategy, and the three influencing factors, one consumer "Recognition of heterogeneous co-operation" (RHS, Recognition), are considered in the study. nggies), industry differences and complexity, and analysis of them The role of the promotion of the consumer's evaluation of the participating brands. It is the theoretical basis for defining the model evolution rule, because the brand alliance of different industries may be less than the brand alliance of the same industry u nk> is stronger and needs to be analyzed to see if it is more efficient. The "complexity" comes from the NK model or further states that the complex system theory is a key factor for a system of the NK model study, and the complexity here also refers to the The impact of the vibration of the enterprise and the market on the brand image. The analysis of the NK model shows that the effect of the industry difference on the effect of the brand alliance is not obvious, and the partner in the same industry of a slightly more complex brand has sufficient "heterogeneity" and can help the brand to jump out. The local peak, therefore, in the case of more complex brand image, the effect of the foreign brand alliance and the peer-to-peer brand alliance is almost no difference; in the case of environment stability, the strategy of the brand alliance is In the process of improving the evaluation, the brand with complex image structure is more restricted by the complexity, so it is more willing to use the strategy of the brand alliance; when the shock from the enterprise makes the brand image feature redefined, In order to reduce the impact and the rapid recovery of the market influence of the brand, we should try to maintain and not to cancel a brand alliance; if the brand is faced with a sharp-changing market, the image of the brand image can enhance the ability of the brand to deal with the change of the market, and the product Brand life cycle, to realize the continuous accumulation of brand investment; at the same time, in a rapidly changing market, the brand of the image structure is not necessary to carry out the brand alliance activities, and the image is complicated The brand alliance is still an effective strategy for the brand, and the current brand union The research of the League needs to solve some basic academic problems and management problems. Further research should focus on two directions, one is the adjustment variable and the situation variable which influence the evaluation of the brand alliance, and the other is the second. The consumer evaluation of the brand alliance and its participation in the psychological model and process of the brand. In the theoretical study, more attention should be paid to the symbol brand alliance, to continue to explore the adaptive dimension and to explain more in-depth interpretation from the angle of information economics. The phenomenon of the brand alliance; the empirical research needs to carry out the comparative case study in the longitudinal direction, analyze the unique evaluation problems of the brand alliance and the interaction between the brand alliance and the participating brands; the practice field, one in
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