[Abstract]:With the continuous development of modern social economy, the importance of brand in contemporary enterprise competition is becoming more and more obvious. Visual image designers have a certain understanding of the importance of brand, but the relationship between "brand culture" and "visual image design" is not clear enough. How to effectively combine the relationship between the two to shape the brand has become a new issue that domestic designers need to face and solve. To study the relationship between brand culture and visual image design is to study the relationship among brand culture, designer, design process and consumers, and brand culture advocates a kind of value, a way of life, which is influenced by many factors, such as aesthetic demand, consumption concept, life style and so on. Visual image design is to symbolize brand positioning and core value on the premise of understanding brand culture, systematic visual expression, and purposeful, planned, systematic communication process, they are two closely related processes. Some people say that brand culture is the soul, visual image design is the external expression, brand culture determines the connotation of visual image design, visual image design is the expression of visual symbolization of brand culture, the two influence each other and restrict each other.
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5 陈v,