[Abstract]:High-quality independent audit information is conducive to the healthy and stable development of the market economy. Audit independence is the key factor to determine the quality of audit information. In recent years, there are a large number of cases of audit information distortion at home and abroad, which make audit independence questioned. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the general causes of the low independence of independent audit and the unique institutional causes of our country and how to improve the independence of audit. First of all, this paper starts with the change of audit entrustment system, analyzes the change of the characteristics of independent audit supply and demand, and analyzes the behavior decision between management authority and auditor with game theory. It is pointed out that the common cause of the low independence of independent audit is that the management with false information needs to be the main factor that restricts the auditor's behavior decision. Then, this paper analyzes the institutional factors that affect the independence of audit from the aspects of enterprise packaging and listing, the governance structure of listed companies, the influence of the government on independent audit and the punishment of the subject of false information provided by laws and regulations. At the same time, this paper briefly analyzes several ways to improve the audit independence, and points out that it is a better scheme for non-governmental organizations with independent economic interests and consistent with the public interest to exercise audit entrustment power. The insurance company entrusts the audit is the more appropriate choice. Then, this paper studies the basic theory of financial statement insurance system and its implementation in China. The financial statement insurance system refers to the insurance contract signed between the insurance company and the insurance company, and the insurance company is responsible for entrusting the auditor to audit the financial statements of the insured company. According to law, the insured company is liable for the third party's economic losses caused by the misrepresentation of the financial statements. This paper analyzes the feasibility of implementing the financial statement insurance system in China from the aspects of the market environment and the regulatory environment, and expounds some problems that should be paid attention to in the design of the financial statement insurance system in China. This paper discusses the positive effect of establishing the financial statement insurance system, and points out the concrete implementation way of establishing the financial statement insurance system in China.
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