[Abstract]:Since the birth of CPA audit system, the quality of CPA audit system has always been the focus of attention, but the degree of concern is different in different periods. However, since the second half of 2001, a series of financial fraud cases of listed companies have occurred around the world, which has caused an unprecedented impact on the industry reputation of certified public accountants. Dawn shares, McCott and other listed companies fraud scandal. Fraud scandals at home and abroad have spread and intensified. It can be said that in the global scope, the audit quality of CPA has been generally questioned by the public, the social credibility of independent audit has been seriously damaged, and the social reputation of CPAs has suffered unprecedented damage. This has caused a serious crisis of trust in the CPA industry. When people analyze and reflect on the reasons why CPA has not found and disclosed the accounting fraud of listed companies, one of the problems often mentioned is the relationship between audit tenure and audit quality. The term of office of accountant firm is too long, cause audit quality to be inferior. Therefore, there are a series of reform measures aimed at CPA industry at home and abroad, one of which is compulsory rotation system. In recent years, this issue is an important issue of general concern for regulatory authorities, academics and practitioners. China's regulators also required regular rotation of auditors in 2004. Undoubtedly, in order to improve the audit quality, the mandatory rotation system of auditors, audit project leaders and firms has been attached importance to or adopted by domestic and foreign regulators. However, whether the auditor rotation can really improve the audit quality is different. There are different views on whether the auditor should be rotated. There is no consistent conclusion. It needs empirical evidence to evaluate the impact of auditor rotation on audit quality. At present, as a whole, the empirical conclusions in the United States tend to support the longer the auditor's tenure, and there is no adverse effect on the audit quality. So in China's audit market, how does the length of tenure of accounting firms affect the quality of audit? Should there be a mandatory rotation of the firm? Because of China's unique legal environment, market order and institutional background, American empirical results do not necessarily represent the actual situation in China. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the tenure of accounting firms and audit quality under the background of China, in order to provide some empirical evidence for the periodic rotation of accounting firms.
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