[Abstract]:The local audit system refers to the organization and management system of the local audit institution. It is one of the core contents of the government audit organization system and has a great influence on the quality and actual effect of the local government audit. The local audit system of our country was formed in 1983, which is a typical administrative model, which adapts to the requirements of the planned economy system at that time and plays an important role. However, with the development of democratic politics and socialist market economy in our country, the existing local audit system more and more exposes some defects and deficiencies, which need to be reformed and perfected. This is the starting point of this article. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is the overview of local audit system in China. Firstly, the basic theory of audit and government audit is expounded, then the concept, characteristics, mode and influencing factors of audit system are introduced. Finally, the basic provisions of current local audit system in China are listed in detail. The second part is the defects and problems of local audit system in China. That is, the current administrative local audit system has obvious characteristics of internal supervision, and its independence is seriously insufficient, which restricts the exertion of the audit supervision function, and brings about the organization, personnel, funds, result announcement and punishment of the local audit institutions. A series of questions about jurisdiction, etc. The third part is the reform and perfection of our country's current local audit system. First of all, it lists six kinds of reform viewpoints of academic circles, and introduces their advantages and disadvantages one by one; secondly, it clarifies the basic principles that should be followed in the reform of local audit system. In the end, the author puts forward his own new viewpoint, that is, the central and provincial audit institutions are under the leadership of the people's Congress, and the audit institutions below the provincial level achieve vertical leadership, and the advantages and concrete measures of this scheme are expounded.
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