[Abstract]:Independent audit, in essence, is the process of conflict of interest and coordination of independent audit actors. As one of the existing auditing systems, it is based on the conflict of interest of the independent audit actors at a certain time and the results of coordination. With the rapid development of society and economy, and the increasingly complex structure of capital market, there is a labyrinth of complicated economic relations in the world. It can be said that the economic environment in which the independent audit actors are now confronted with conflicts of interest. In this context, how to continue to maintain the interests of independent audit actors, coordinate conflicts of interest, and play the role of independent audit system to maintain the order of the market economy, is one of the major issues we need to solve in the era of knowledge economy. Based on the analysis of independent audit and independent audit behavior and its constituent elements, this paper brings stakeholders into the analysis framework of independent audit behavior, and expounds the conflict of interest of independent audit behavior subject and its interactive mechanism. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the subject of independent auditing in our country at present. Based on the theory of behavior and economics, this paper makes a systematic study on the essence and manifestation of the conflicts of interest of the main actors in independent auditing, and analyzes the root causes of the conflicts of interest of the subjects of independent audit. Then, combining the reality of our country's independent audit behavior environment and the particularity of the independent audit behavior subject, this paper constructs the interest coordination system of the independent audit behavior subject from three aspects of principle, goal and approach, and puts forward the concept level. In order to provide an effective way to coordinate the conflicts of interest of the independent audit actors from the system level and the technical level, and to correctly guide the motivation of the independent audit subjects, and optimize the independent audit behavior. The transaction loss caused by information asymmetry is reduced to the greatest extent, the efficiency of market control mechanism is improved, and the effective operation of market economy is ensured.
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