本文选题:信息化 + 产业结构转型升级 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2017年博士论文
[Abstract]:As the motive force of modern economic and social development, information has profound influence on the economic and social development of our country. At present, it is crucial for China to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of China's industrial structure by taking advantage of the historic opportunity brought by the development of information technology and promoting the transformation and upgrading of China's industrial structure. The structure transformation and upgrading are the main line, the theory is connected with the reality, and the mechanism of the informationization to the industrial structure transformation and upgrading is analyzed in depth. The dynamic relationship between information and industrial structure transformation and upgrading and the action of information on industrial structure transformation and upgrading are analyzed. And then how to speed up the acceleration of the industrial structure transformation and upgrading is carried out. Information to promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure in China put forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions. The main content of this paper is reflected in the following five aspects:.1. analysis of the mechanism of the impact of information on industrial structure transformation and upgrading. This paper analyzes the mechanism of the role of information on industrial transformation and upgrading from two aspects of industrial transformation and industrial integration: one, Based on the perspective of innovation theory, information technology is analyzed with new technology, new model and new market to realize the transformation of traditional industry. Information technology promotes industrial production efficiency with new technology, stimulates the intrinsic vitality of industry with new model, and improves industrial innovation ability with new ecosystem, and realizes the orderly and healthy development of traditional industry. Secondly, based on the theory of industrial integration Information technology promotes industrial integration. Information technology improves the efficiency of industrial integration with a new engine, shortens the industry integration cycle with a new platform, enriches the content of industrial development, and realizes a more efficient integration of traditional industries. Informatization promotes the rationalization, elevation, upgrading and transformation of the production structure through industrial transformation and industrial integration. The development level of informatization and the degree of transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure in China are measured by.2.. The research is divided into two parts: first, from the connotation of information is a continuous and progressive dynamic process, on the basis of the previous research on information measurement, it takes into account the national conditions, and puts forward the comprehensive reaction from different sides. The 4 major elements of information level (infrastructure, information application level, information industry, information development environment) and 13 indexes are screened and the dynamic multi index evaluation system of information evaluation is constructed. Secondly, the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure is a connotations of "transformation" and "upgrading". Considering the changes of industrial structure during the process of industrial structure transformation and upgrading, the evaluation index system of industrial structure transformation and upgrading is constructed from 4 dimensions: industrial structure rationalization, industrial structure height, industrial structure upgrading and industrial structure transformation. The.3. model of panel vector autoregressive model (PVAR) is constructed to study information and industrial structure transformation. Most of the empirical research on the relationship between information and industrial structure transformation and upgrading in China is based on the static panel data model method. In this paper, a new way is made to build panel vector from the data of the information level of 30 provinces and cities and the upgrading degree of industrial structure in 2003~2014 years in China. Regression model, and through dynamic panel GMM estimation, impulse response function (IRF) and variance decomposition (FEVD) of prediction error (FEVD), test the impact of each other on each other. The results show that: (1) information on industrial structure transformation and upgrading has a continuous and significant dynamic promotion effect; (2) the mutual pull of information and industrial structure transformation and upgrading. The role is non reciprocal, that is, the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure has a sustained and dynamic promotion effect on information technology, but the promotion of information on industrial structure transformation and upgrading is stronger than the promotion of industrial structure transformation and upgrading to information. (3) the promotion of information on industrial structure transformation and upgrading is time-delay effect, and information technology is pushed forward. The dynamic action takes 5 years to reach the peak value. Then the action intensity begins to continue to attenuate.4. and introduce the spatial econometric model to study the role of information on industrial structure transformation and upgrading. At present, there are relatively few empirical studies on the impact of information on industrial structure upgrading in China, and all of them ignore the spatial factors for information and industry. From the national conditions of our country, information development and industrial structure transformation and upgrading will be affected by regional economic and social development. Therefore, this paper uses Morans'I index, Moran scatter plot, LISA cluster map, spatial measurement model to investigate the spatial dependence of information and industrial structure transformation and upgrading, and information technology The spatial spillover effect of industrial structure transformation and upgrading. At the same time, according to the relevant research on the influencing factors of industrial structure transformation and upgrading, the research level, the level of finance, the level of urbanization, the level of foreign trade and other factors are taken as the control variables into the spatial econometric model. The results show that: (1) information and industrial structure upgrading are all There is a significant spatial dependence, the two shows the characteristics of regional aggregation; (2) information has significant positive spatial impact on the industrial structure transformation and upgrading in the region and adjacent areas; (3) the level of scientific research, the level of Finance and the level of urbanization have significant positive effects on the upgrading of the regional industrial structure, and the level of foreign trade is to the industry. The structural transformation and upgrading have no significant impact on the.5. last. Based on the analysis of the current situation of China's informatization promoting industrial structure transformation and upgrading, and fully drawing lessons from the related experience of the industrial structure transformation and upgrading of the developed countries, we should strengthen the infrastructure construction, improve the independent innovation system of the information technology and the industrial innovation ecosystem. Department, new market governance system and other related countermeasures and suggestions.
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