[Abstract]:The development of the Internet speeds up the technological progress and innovation, exacerbates the internal and external environment changes and instability. The external environment that the enterprise faces is the market environment is complex and changeable, the consumer demand is diverse, the competition field is widening day by day, the internal environment that the enterprise faces is the self-actualization of the employee's request, Enterprises rely on information transmission in real-time, and internal management is slow and out of control. Twenty years ago, Kevin Kelly predicted that decentralization, sharing, and information flow would become trends. And now, in the current trend of the times, we can feel the arrival of a decentralization era, and the scope of sharing is expanding, and sharing is more important to users than having it. Sharing is the maximum use of resources. And the whole mankind is closely linked together in an unprecedented way. The enterprise's pursuit of information technology and the construction of information platform all prove the important role of information flow to the enterprise. Companies with these three trends will become more and more like a creature with their own unique cultural genes that evolve themselves with the environment. As the scope of competition widens, competitors are no longer confined to the industry, but all enterprises competing for consumer time. In such an environment, who has faster response to the market, accurate control of various consumer psychology, more flexible, flexible and changeable management mode, who will have more advantages in the competition. Such a management model, at the same time corresponding to the flat organizational structure, sharing open corporate culture, management decentralization and the autonomy of enterprise employees. In view of this kind of management mode, this paper abstracts the information sharing as the core and the foundation, from the quality and the form two aspects, discusses the construction decentralization management pattern process, provides a kind of reference and the thought for the enterprise to deal with the present environment well. Information sharing can make information flow quickly, merge and create innovation in the enterprise, and provide more perfect and reliable decision basis for enterprise under uncertain environment through information sharing. Through the sharing of information, employees are more loyal to the enterprise and have a sense of belonging, and help employees to grow, and promote the growth of employees and business alliances. However, information sharing is not done overnight. There are still obstacles and challenges to information sharing within enterprises. This paper analyzes the obstacles of information sharing qualitatively and quantitatively from the perspective of staff-enterprise with the aid of entrustment management model. With the help of the evolutionary game model of the employee group, the paper analyzes the concrete achievement process of the stable strategy of information sharing from the level of staff-employee, and puts forward the incentive strategy in a more innovative way. In order to solve the problem of enterprise information sharing, at the same time to promote the construction of decentralized management model.
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