[Abstract]:The Internet of things is widely regarded as another wave of information industry after the emergence of computer, Internet and mobile communication network, and will lead to the next information revolution. Objectively speaking, the Internet has completed the accumulation of information and the rapid and large-scale distribution of information by human beings. The mobile communication network has realized the exchange of information between people at any time and in any region, and the Internet of things is the object and object. The main means of information exchange between people and things will have a more profound impact on the production and life of human beings. In the era of knowledge economy, the Internet of things, as a new technological revolution in R & D and manufacturing field, will face many problems of intellectual property protection from the micro level, such as patent barriers, standards and so on. Therefore, whether it is to build an atmosphere to promote knowledge innovation, or to effectively promote the dissemination and utilization of knowledge, it can not be separated from the effective protection of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property protection has positive effects on the development of the Internet of things, such as incentive function, configuration function, safeguard function, guidance function and so on. Of course, there are also negative effects such as hindrance and negative effects. In turn, from the macro level, The development of the Internet of things promotes the development of intellectual property protection and broadens its scope and influence. Therefore, it will be more theoretical and practical to explore the interaction between the development of the Internet of things and intellectual property protection in a broader sense.
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