发布时间:2017-08-03 07:10
更多相关文章: 网络 科技 有限公司 户外媒体 即时 交易 目的 商业 计划书
- 1.0 Executive Summary7-10
- Introduction7-10
- 1.1 Objectives9
- 1.2 Keys to Success9
- 1.3 Mission9-10
- 2.0 Company Summary10-13
- 2.1 Start-up Summary10-12
- Chart:Start-up10-11
- Table:Start-up11-12
- Table: Start-up Funding12
- 2.2 Company Ownership12-13
- 3.0 Services13-14
- 4.0 Market Analysis Summary14-17
- 4.1 Market Segmentation14-15
- Chart:Market Analysis (Pie)15
- 1 Table:Market Analysis15
- 4.2 Service Business Analysis15-17
- 4.2.1 Competition and Buying Patterns16-17
- 5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary17-19
- 5.1 Marketing Strategy17
- 5.2 Sales Strategy17-19
- 5.2.1 Sales Forecast17-19
- Chart:Sales Monthly18
- Table:Sales Forecast18-19
- 6.0 Management Summary19-20
- 6.1 Personnel19-20
- 1 Table:Personnel19-20
- 7.0 Financial Plan20-34
- 7.1 Important Assumptions20
- 1 Table:General Assumptions20
- 7.2 Break-even Analysis20-21
- Chart:Break-even Analysis21
- Table:Break-even Analysis21
- 7.3 Projected Cash Flow21-22
- Table:Cash Flow22
- 7.4 Projected Profit and Loss22-25
- Chart:Profit Monthly23
- Chart:Profit Yearly23-24
- Chart:Gross Margin Monthly24
- Chart:Gross Margin Yearly24-25
- Table:Profit and Loss25
- 7.5 Projected Balance Sheet25-26
- 1 Table:Balance Sheet25-26
- 7.6 Business Ratios26-34
- Table:Ratios27-29
- Table:Sales Forecast29-30
- Table:Personnel30
- Table:General Assumptions30-32
- Table:Profit and Loss32-34
- Reference34-35
- Thanks35