发布时间:2017-10-09 07:04
更多相关文章: 技术和创新 技术影响 信息通信技术 华为技术 信息通信技术的快速增长 数字环境
【摘要】:科学的进步和技术的变化是企业绩效的重要驱动力。创新、配置和利用知识的能力已成为竞争优势、创造财富和改善生活质量一项重要来源。这种转变的主要特点是信息通信技术(ICT)对经济和社会的影响越来越大。近年来,科学技术在新产品和新工艺上的快速应用,国家创新比例提高,从而向知识密集型产业和服务业转变,技能需求上升。 本文意在分析信息通信技术对喀麦隆企业业务的技术影响,并以华为技术在信息通信技术为主题。这意味着,技术和创新是提高企业绩效和社会福祉的关键。本文讨论了类似于喀麦隆这样的国家如何接受信息通信技术以及如何在工作和日常生活中通过接受信息通信技术获益,这是对经济增长和就业机会做出贡献的证据。 发达国家关注信息通信技术的快速增长,认为有可能创造一种个人之间的不平等的新形式。喀麦隆政府认识到社会的某部分被异化为新的数字环境,并已做出承诺建立一个包容性的社会,所有人都有机会获得和有效利用信息通信技术。
【关键词】:技术和创新 技术影响 信息通信技术 华为技术 信息通信技术的快速增长 数字环境
- 摘要3-4
- 0. 引言8-9
- 1.1 研究背景10
- 1.1 Background of the study10-21
- 1.1.1 Brief country profile in socio-economic point11-15
- 1.1.2 Cameroon ICTs previous situation15-20
- 1.1.3 Presentation ofHuawei and Huawei solution to Cam tel20-21
- 1.2 喀麦隆采纳信息通信技术的重要性21
- 1.2 The importance for Cameroon to adopt ICT's21-23
- 1.2.1 National sector21-22
- 1.2.2 Private Sector22-23
- 1.2.3 Importance of the local development23
- 1.3 喀麦隆采纳信息通信技术的目标23-24
- 1.3 The Objective of Cameroon to adopt ICT24-29
- 1.3.1 Implication to the Cameroon Government24-25
- 1.3.2 The educational level25-27
- 1.3.3 Implication of study to CAMTEL and others27-29
- 2. Literature Review29-44
- 2.1. 新会员国采纳信息通信技术29
- 2.1. ICT adoption in the New Member States29-35
- 2.1.1 ICT appropriation and viewpoint30-32
- 2.1.2 ICT as a source of economic growth32-34
- 2.1.3 The link between ICT and economic growth in the discourse of development34-35
- 2.2 技术接受理论和模型35-36
- 2.2 Technology acceptance theories and models36-41
- 2.2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior of ICTs adoption36-38
- 2.2.2 The ICT Value Chain38-40
- 2.2.3 ICT adoption, use and diffusion40-41
- 2.3 采纳信息通信技术的理论和模型41
- 2.3 Theory and Models of ICT Adoption41-44
- 2.3.1 The Diffusion Approach41-43
- 2.3.2 The Adoption Approach43-44
- 2.3.3 The Domestication Process and acceptance ofHuawei44
- 3. 喀麦隆信息通信技术采纳研究框架44-45
- 3. The research framework on ICT's adoption in Cameroon45-70
- 3.1. 政府支持46
- 3.1. Government Support46-50
- 3.1.1 Political vision of ICT adoption by Government47-48
- 3.1.2 Institutional and Regulatory framework of ICT in Cameroon48-49
- 3.1.3 Financial support of the Government49-50
- 3.2. 喀麦隆电信业50-51
- 3.2. Cameroon Telecom sector51-55
- 3.2.1 National telecommunications infrastructure52-54
- 3.2.2 The impact of SAT-3/WASC in Cameroon54
- 3.2.3 Camtel connecting Cameroon54-55
- 3.3. 公共和私营部门55-56
- 3.3. Public and private sector56-61
- 3.3.1 ICTs country firms performance56-58
- 3.3.2 Application Software in Commercial Banks in Cameroon58-60
- 3.3.3 Application Software in Micro-finance Institutions in Cameroon60-61
- 3.4. 信息通信技术部门的教育61
- 3.4. Education in ICT sector61-64
- 3.4.1 Legal and regulatory framework for Cameroon education62-63
- 3.4.2 ICT's in general education63-64
- 3.4.3 ICTs predominantly used by Cameroon students64
- 3.5. 用户64-65
- 3.5. The users65-70
- 3.5.1 Cameroon ICTs users performance65-66
- 3.5.2 ICT's rural access in Cameroon66-67
- 3.5.3 Adoption of ICT by households67-70
- 4. 喀麦隆华为技术案例研究70
- 4. Case study of Huawei technologies in Cameroon70-86
- 4.1. 华为和喀麦隆政府成就70
- 4.1. Huawei and Cameroon government achievement70-75
- 4.1.1 Huawei and Cameroon government realizations71-74
- 4.1.2 China investment through Huawei Cameroon74
- 4.1.3 Huawei building telecommunication infrastructure in Cameroon74-75
- 4.2 华为在信息通信技术对喀麦隆的影响75-76
- 4.2 Huawei influence in ICT's users in Cameroon76-80
- 4.2.1 Huawei ICT's users in Cameroon76-77
- 4.2.2 Huawei innovate Cameroon Telecommunication Co. (Camtel)77-78
- 4.2.3 Telemedicine adopt by the Health sector through Huawei78-80
- 4.3 华为对喀麦隆经济的影响80-81
- 4.3 The impact of Huawei in Cameroon economy81-86
- 4.3.1 Huawei Technologies accompanies Cameroon to stimulate economic grow82-83
- 4.3.2 Huawei and Cameroon economic growth83-84
- 4.3.3 Huawei and Cameroon promoting effective service delivery and electronic government84-86
- 5. 华为和喀麦隆信息技术通信采纳的结论86-87
- 5. Huawei and Cameroon ICTs adoption outcome87-90
- 6. Suggestions90-92
- 6.1 The need to strengthen the capacities of ICT by Cameroon government90-91
- 6.2 The effective benefit of ICT's by the population91
- 6.3 Increase the awareness of ICT stakeholders regarding the potential of ICTs91-92
- 7. 结论92-93
- 8. Conclusion93-96
- References96-99
- Appendix A List of Acronyms99-101
- Appendix B List of Figures101
- Appendix C List of Tables101-102
- Acknowledgments102
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1 李静静;通信业与国民经济增长交替推进发展效应研究[D];北京邮电大学;2012年