Statistical downscaling Weather generator Weather typing Tra
A Summary of Methods for Statistical Downscaling of Meteorological Data
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Liu Yonghe,Guo Weidong,Feng Jinming,Zhang Kexin(1.Institute of Resources and Environment,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,China;2.ICGCR,School of Atmospheric Sciences,Nanjing
[1]河南理工大学资源环境学院,河南焦作454000; [2]南京大学气候与全球变化研究院,大气科学学院,江苏南京210093; [3]中国科学院东亚区域气候-环境重点实验室,全球变化东亚区域研究中心,中国科学院大气物理研究所,北京100029; [4]山东省临沂市气象局,山东临沂276004
Abstr:As one of the means for bridging the gap of the data between low resolution data obtained from weather models and that needed in basin scale,statistical downscaling become a important field for study.The approaches for statistical downscaling are abundant and can be roughly divided into three groups: Transfer functions,weather-typing approaches and stochastic weather generators.The transfer functions may be linear methods,such as multivariate linear regression,canonic correlation,and Singular Value Decomposition,or nonlinear methods like artificial neural networks and support vector machine.Weather generators are designed initially for generating the missing weather data,but in downscaling applications it can be used as the output backend of other statistical downscaling techniques.The weather-typing approaches can be regarded as some variant of weather generators combining with some transfer functions or classifications.Thus,no strict boundaries exist among the three groups.The statistical downscaling problems have some attributes involved with temporal downscaling or spatial downscaling,stochastic downscaling or deterministic downscaling,temporal self-correlation and spatial correlation,point-site oriented or grids oriented.The differences of downscaling performance between all techniques are mainly related to these attributes.In recent years,the analog method,weather classifying,hidden Markov modeling,generalized linear models,Poisson clustered point process and the multiplicative cascade process based on multifractal theories are developed and used for statistical downscaling application,and many new nonlinear methods such as generalized additional models and physical-statistical methods are arising.Meanwhile,there is also some widely used model soft
Keyword::Statistical downscaling Weather generator Weather typing Transfer function Nonlinear model.
[1] 区域气候变化统计降尺度研究进展 《生态学报》 2011年09期
[2] 2种降尺度方法在太湖流域的应用对比 《气象科学》 2011年02期
[3] 统计降尺度方法在北京月尺度预测中的应用 《气象》 2011年06期
课题项目:国家自然科学基金项目“汶川巨震对降水过程激发机制的初步控制”(编号:40975049);国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作研究项目“亚洲和北美半干旱区大气—植被—水相互作用的比较研究”(编号:40810059003); 淮河流域气象开放研究基金项目“沂沭河流域暴雨洪水预警及灾害评估业务化技术”(编号:HRM200904)资助