本文关键词:基于SSM框架的物流配送管理系统设计与实现 出处:《东北大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 物流配送 SSM框架 J2EE Oracle 系统测试
【摘要】:在竞争如此激烈的市场环境下,运营商如果物资的及时配送得不到满足,那将无法在市场上占有一席之地。但运营商如果自己建设配送物流团队,将会出现以下几个问题:管理方面条块分割,经营分散,不能形成统一的服务网络;运行机制、组织化程度、经营方式等方面都不适应市场经济要求;电信运营商物资配送在计划经济体制下运行且相对封闭,现有人员普遍知识面窄、专业知识缺乏、综合素质不高,年龄结构老化,缺乏专业的物流人员。对于电信运营商而言,需要在物流仓储管理部门和配送人员的协同配合下才能完成网络物资、促销物资、办公用品等货物的配送。这在无形中增加了运营的压力。本文从中国联通秦皇岛分公司的实际情况出发,以中国联通秦皇岛分公司和上海德邦物流合作优化为背景,运用计算机的相关技术,对物流配送管理系统进行了设计与实现。本文首先对系统的设计进行了经济可行性和技术可行性的分析,之后在用户需求分析的基础上,对物流配送管理系统的功能和模式进行了分析,提出基于以J2EE的SSM框架,即Spring + Struts + Mybatis,客户端界面采用Extjs4.0的物流配送管理系统设计方案。本文基于SSM框架设计的物流配送管理系统共分为六个功能模块,每一个功能模块依据需求分为若干相关的功能子模块,分别为:用户系统管理模块、客服中心管理模块(包括客户下订单子模块、员工管理子模块)、配送管理模块(包括订单查询子模块、订单完善子子模块和订单配送子模块)、库房管理模块(包括出入库管理子模块和库房信息管理子模块)、调度管理模块、车辆信息管理模块,之后通过编程对各个模块进行了实现,并做了相关的界面设计。系统采用oracle数据库系统对系统后台数据进行管理。并采用Mybatis与数据库相连接,相关的数据库表包括客户表、员工表、部门表、订单表、订单状态表、库房信息表、调拨表、车辆管理表、车辆历史记录表、调度表和用户表。本设计实现了物资配送、人员、库房以及车辆信息调度的统一管理,物资在配送过程中的信息、资金以及商品信息可以快速准确的在系统中反映出来,提高了公司的运作效率。最后对系统用户界面以及系统性能进行了测试,通过测试表明系统设计合理,运行良好。在结尾对未来的设计实现及应用进行了展望。
[Abstract]:In such a competitive market environment, the operator if the material delivery are not met, it will not be in the market occupies a space for one person. But if the operator is building their own logistics team, there will be the following problems: the management of compartmentalization, the dispersion, can not form a unified service platform; operation mechanism and the degree of organization, management mode can not adapt to the requirement of market economy; telecom operators material distribution under the planned economy system and the operation is relatively closed, the existing staff generally narrow range of knowledge, lack of professional knowledge, comprehensive quality is not high, the age structure of aging, lack of professional logistics personnel. For telecom operators, need to in the promotional materials to complete network materials, coordination and logistics warehousing management and delivery personnel, office supplies and other goods delivery. The transport in virtually increase The actual situation of the camp. The pressure from the Chinese Unicom Qinhuangdao branch, to China Unicom Qinhuangdao branch and Shanghai logistics cooperation optimization as the background, the use of computer related technology, the logistics management system was designed and implemented. This paper first analyzed the economic and technical feasibility of the system design. After the user based on the analysis of the demand, analyzes the logistics distribution management system and mode, based on the SSM framework of J2EE, Spring + Struts + Mybatis client interface using Extjs4.0 logistics management system design. The logistics distribution management system design based on SSM framework is divided into six the function module, according to the demand of every function module is divided into several sub functions of related modules, respectively: user management module, customer service center tube The management module (including customer order module, staff management module), distribution management module (including orders inquiry module, order to improve sub module and order distribution module), warehouse management module (including the storage management module and warehouse information management, Zi Mo block) scheduling management module, vehicle information management module then, by programming for each module, and the interface are designed. The system uses Oracle database system to manage the system background data. Using Mybatis connected to the database, the database table includes the customer table, the staff table, table, table of orders, order status table, warehouse information table. Allocation table, vehicle management, vehicle history table, schedule and user table. The design and implementation of the material distribution, personnel, warehouse and unified management of vehicle scheduling information, goods and materials in the process of delivery The information, funds and commodity information can be quickly and accurately reflected in the system, improve the company's operational efficiency. Finally the system user interface and system performance is tested, the test results show that the system design is reasonable, good operation. At the end of the future design implementation and application in the future.
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