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发布时间:2018-06-08 10:03

  本文选题:冷库建设 + 风险管理 ; 参考:《中国科学院大学(工程管理与信息技术学院)》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:2013年下半年我国境内接连发生“6.3”、“8·31”两起氨冷库重大安全责任事故,由此引发了全社会对冷库建设的关注。冷库建设是否需要,如何控制冷库风险成为关注的问题。通过论文的写作,将识别、评估冷库建设中的风险,并提出应对措施,以促进冷库及物流行业的健康发展。 论文将结合一个真实的冷库建设案例,以冷库建设全过程为研究对象,并以实施阶段(土建施工、设备安装、设备调试)为主要研究对象,运用WBS工作分解结构、专家头脑风暴、调查表等方法,从风险识别、风险定性评估、风险定量分析、风险应对、风险监控五方面入手,完成以下工作: (1)运用WBS工作分解结构及专家头脑风暴法对冷库建设过程中的风险因素进行识别;采用下发调查表打分的方法结合工程实际情况对风险因素进行评分;以评分结果为依据对风险因素进行量化并排序;针对排名靠前的大风险因素制定应对策略;对施工工程中形成的会议纪要进行分析,并与评分结果对比分析;从工程实践出发建立切实可行的风险监控流程及组织; (2)形成较清晰的冷库建设风险识别表、评估表、量化表,针对大风险建立具有可操作性的应对方案和监控手段,形成较全面的风险核对表; 最终建立有指导意义的、较完善、较清晰的冷库建设风险管理文件; 通过论文的写作可以发现,冷库建设中的风险集中于质量风险、进度风险、安全风险三方面。针对该三项风险,需要从员工素质、技术交底、过程控制、平行检查等方面进行控制。论文所形成的风险识别表、量化排序表及风险核对表具有一定的实际操作性,在后续的冷库建设过程中可作为参照进行有重点的监控,从而减少风险的发生。
[Abstract]:In the second half of 2013, "6.3" and "8.31" occurred successively in China, which caused the whole society to pay attention to the construction of cold storage. Whether the construction of cold storage needs, how to control the risk of cold storage has become a concern. Through the writing of the paper, the risks in the construction of cold storage will be identified and evaluated, and countermeasures will be put forward to promote the healthy development of the cold storage and logistics industry. Taking the whole process of cold storage construction as the research object, and taking the implementation stage (civil construction, equipment installation, equipment debugging) as the main research object, using the WBS work breakdown structure, expert brainstorming, questionnaire and so on, the risk identification, Risk qualitative assessment, risk quantitative analysis, risk response and risk monitoring are carried out in the following aspects: 1) identifying the risk factors in the process of cold storage construction by using WBS work decomposition structure and expert brainstorming method; According to the actual situation of the project, the risk factors are scored by using the method of questionnaire scoring; the risk factors are quantified and sorted based on the scoring results; the coping strategies are formulated for the big risk factors in the top rank. Analyzing the minutes of the meeting formed in the construction project and comparing the result with the result of evaluation; establishing a feasible risk monitoring process and organization from the engineering practice; forming a clear risk identification table, an evaluation table, a quantitative table for cold storage construction, and establishing a clear risk identification table, an evaluation table, and a quantitative table for cold storage construction. To establish an operational response plan and monitoring means for large risks, to form a more comprehensive risk checklist, and finally to establish a guiding and more perfect, Through the writing of the paper, it can be found that the risks in the construction of cold storage are focused on three aspects: quality risk, schedule risk and safety risk. In view of these three risks, we need to control the quality of employees, technical background, process control, parallel inspection and so on. The risk identification table, the quantitative sorting table and the risk check list formed in this paper have certain practical operation, which can be used as a reference in the process of the construction of the cold storage to monitor and control the risk, thus reducing the occurrence of the risk.


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