发布时间:2018-01-21 03:16
本文关键词: 火烧沟 “参与式”小流域 满意度调查 相关性分析 主成分分析 出处:《水土保持研究》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Since the implementation of "participatory" small watershed management in 2006 in Xining City, the ecological environment level and social and economic level have been greatly improved. This study investigated the satisfaction of farmers after the implementation of "participatory" small watershed control measures by means of structured and semi-structured interviews. Combined with the effect of "participatory" small watershed management in Huozhuogou and the benefit evaluation after treatment, the experiences and lessons of small watershed management in Huozhuangou are obtained. The investigation results show that:. The overall evaluation of farmers' satisfaction with project measures and organizational management is very high. Water conservation forest satisfaction and importance are the highest level, silt dam is more important farmers satisfaction is lower, and the Valley Square construction and total satisfaction is the strongest correlation. In the evaluation of satisfaction degree of organization management, the degree of satisfaction and importance of decision-making participation and social and economic impact on the region are both high, and the importance level of project management is high. However, the farmers' satisfaction is low, and the correlation between community monitoring and community procurement and total satisfaction is the strongest. The correlation between decision-making participation and total satisfaction is the weakest. After the implementation of participatory small watershed management measures, the overall ecological environment and farmers' living standards have been improved and improved. However, there are still many deficiencies in the process of implementation and later management, and many aspects need to be strengthened and further improved.
【作者单位】: 北京林业大学水土保持与荒漠化防治教育部重点实验室;西宁防洪及流域管理利用世行贷款项目建设办公室;
【正文快照】: “参与式”方法是20世纪后期确立和完善起来的一种主要用于与农村社区发展内容有关项目的新的工作方法和手段[1],它摒弃了传统的“自上而下”的方法,变其为“自下而上”将权利赋予利益相关的农户或社区,让其拥有项目的管理、决策、选择、监督和收益等权利[2-4]。它强调农户或,