本文选题:德育管理 切入点:面向对象 出处:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the country has made great efforts to develop primary education. Besides speeding up the professional construction and knowledge education in primary schools, moral education for primary school students is also a work that the education departments attach great importance to. All schools pay close attention to moral education.Strive for better development of students.However, the management of moral education is more traditional and old, more use of telephone contact, paper records and other traditional information exchange and storage methods.I have made the detailed understanding to the elementary school moral education management request, has designed this elementary school student moral education quantification management system according to the school request and the network environment condition, in order to raise the school moral education management standard and the efficiency.The paper introduces the research background, project significance and current research and application status of the quantification management system for moral education of primary school students, and clarifies the contents and main work of the paper.In the function analysis, the function of the system is defined by use case analysis and use case description, and the overall function package diagram and sub-function package diagram of the system are given.Including moral education item management, moral education assessment management, moral education score management, civilized class management, discipline violation and recognition management, basic data management and system management, etc.In this paper, the data needed to be processed for each function of the system are analyzed, the entity class diagram is given, and the database table structure is established.
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