本文关键词:湘乡白田镇猕猴桃产业化项目建设研究 出处:《湘潭大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The development of agricultural industrialization is an important way to speed up the development from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and it also becomes the inevitable choice to improve the present situation of economic development in rural areas. The development of kiwifruit industrialization has become an important part of the development of characteristic agricultural industry in some parts of China. Foreign kiwifruit industrialization development practice and theoretical research is more mature, which has a good reference value for the construction of kiwifruit industrialization project in Dongmao Village, Baitian Town, Xiangxiang in recent years. Domestic kiwifruit industrialization construction has been rapid development, kiwifruit quality has been greatly improved, with the improvement of income and consumption level of domestic residents, kiwifruit planting industry will have a huge market potential. It can be seen that kiwifruit industrialization project not only has great economic value but also can promote the increase of social welfare. Starting from the concrete situation of Dongmao Village in Baitian Town of Xiangxiang, the focus of promoting the development of agricultural industrialization is focused on the industrialization of kiwifruit characteristic planting in this area. Firstly, this paper analyzes the industrialization of agriculture through sorting out and analyzing. The relevant documents of kiwifruit industrialization and domestic agricultural industrialization management mode have constructed the theoretical foundation of this paper; Secondly, the development trend and experience of kiwifruit industrialization are summarized by analyzing the current situation and market situation of kiwifruit industrialization at home and abroad, and combining with the market investigation of kiwifruit industrialization project. On this basis, the advantages, disadvantages, threats and opportunities of the industrialization project of kiwifruit in Dongmao Village were comprehensively analyzed by using SWOT analysis method from various angles, and from the management model. Product marketing model and fund financing program to Xiangxiang Baitian town Dongmao village kiwifruit industrialization project construction specific content planning and design. Finally, the project construction facing the problems and challenges. From the project organization management, policy support and so on proposed the corresponding policy safeguard measure, from the geographical brand, the product localization, the product packing and the local tourism. The related countermeasures of kiwifruit industrialization project construction in Dongmao Village, Baitian Town, Xiangxiang City were put forward in this paper.
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