本文关键词:A庄园葡萄酒营销策略研究 出处:《东北农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the frequent international communication and the deep popularity of the concept of health, wine consumption has been more and more popular, and the wine market in China has also got the opportunity of rapid development. Since 2012, the domestic consumption situation has changed and the wine industry has been adjusted. The wine industry must upgrade and innovate its products and change its marketing model. Chinese wine market can ushered in a new round of development opportunities .A manor wine Co., Ltd. is a medium-sized wine winery, the company has been rapid development with the development of the industry. Sales revenue rose rapidly. In 2009, the company's sales revenue exceeded 600 million yuan for the first time, and reached a historical peak in 2011. Then the wine industry experienced the winter of the industry. The company's sales revenue has been hovering around. The company's sales encountered a bottleneck, marketing strategy needs to be adjusted, need to seriously consider. The main logic of this paper is:. Introduction to A Estate Wine Company-Analysis of the Company's Marketing Environment-determination of the Company's Market objective and Analysis of its orientation-problems and Countermeasures in the Company's Marketing Strategy: the guarantee of the implementation of the Marketing Strategy. This paper is based on marketing theory. Literature induction, theoretical analysis and case study are used to study. This paper summarizes the domestic and foreign marketing and wine marketing theory. The implementation of the current marketing strategy of A Estate Wine Company is analyzed. Through the use of 4PS marketing strategy and experience marketing strategy theory to optimize the company's marketing strategy. In terms of products, the company should increase the strength of brand promotion. Highlight the high quality and noble characteristics of products, gradually form consumer loyalty, and accurately grasp customer needs, develop new products. In pricing, the company should lower the threshold of consumption, mining potential customers. The company should deeply develop the local peripheral and provincial markets, improve brand influence, and effectively control the risk of channel contraction; To increase the support for franchisees and accelerate the distribution of marketing networks of franchisees; Focus on the integration of wine center and golf channel resources, better service to customers. In terms of promotion, the company should closely follow the changes in marketing tools, improve the new media publicity channels. Experience marketing is a kind of omnidirectional consumption feeling, which should be used emphatically when developing the fashion consumer group market. Finally, the implementation of marketing strategy of A manor wine company. Put forward four security suggestions. First, through cooperation with universities and colleges, train their own wine professionals, carry out positive talent reserve security; second, pay attention to the combination of corporate culture and marketing ideas. The third is to form the incentive compensation system, and the fourth is to form the overall marketing atmosphere within the company.
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