本文关键词: 签字会计师客户关系 签字会计师跳槽 客户跟随 审计任期 审计质量 出处:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the gradual deepening of the independent audit research object, research on individual level signing accountants audit quality began to appear and constantly enrich the existing researches from a single perspective of accountants signed individuals, such as age, gender, education experience and industry expertise and other features for the impact of audit quality; there are also documents by identifying long audit tenure and the "revolving door" phenomenon, the phenomenon of re elected and customers "follow" the change of accounting firm and other circumstances, from a relevance perspective between signing accountants and customers, to explore the influence of reflected by the accountants signed customer relationship on the audit quality. In recent years, along with the policy to promote the merger under the accounting firm, I China's audit market in signing accountants flows more frequently. It is worth noting that the accountant will take part by the signature in the flow process For audit services to customers. This association signed accountant customer specific change phenomenon shows that there is some relationship between the private and personal relationship is likely to threaten the independence of the audit and audit quality lead to damage, and Study on this phenomenon is relatively insufficient. Therefore, the accountant job and take the customer signature based on the phenomenon, influence on accountants signed customer relationship and its degree of intimacy may have on the audit quality. The accountants signed after the job whether away provided by the audit service customers as the standard, and on the basis, whether the company in adjacent two fiscal year are different accounting firms and accountants signed in at least one of the same situation, the accounting firms listed the company's change into private relation change and non private relationship changes. On this basis, the comprehensive use of The theory of audit independence, relationship marketing theory and asset specificity theory combined with the background of audit market system in China, the formation of motivation and economic consequences of such personal relations are analyzed. Based on existing research, this paper selects the latest sample data of 2005-2015 years, in two Jones model to estimate the maneuverability of the measure of audit quality accruals absolute value, empirical test of accountants signed customer relationship and its closeness to the influence of audit quality. The results show that: (1) compared to the non private relations change, private relation changes in listed companies is higher in the change of the level of earnings management, that job hopping gives Accountants signed with customer more relaxed the audit to audit quality decline; (2) in the personal relationship between the sub samples, the more intimate personal relationship, which is signed by the certified public accountants audit quit before the longer term, guest The high degree of earnings management, the greater the negative impact on the audit quality. Finally, according to the research results, this article from the listed companies, accounting firms and regulators such as multi angle, and puts forward some suggestions, hoping to contribute to the healthy development of China's audit market, to better protect the interests of investors.
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