本文选题:战略管理 切入点:干细胞 出处:《天津大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In 21th century, with the development of biotechnology, the research results in this field play a more and more important role in the survival and development of human beings. Many developed countries have taken the development of biotechnology industry as a national strategy in recent years. China also attaches great importance to the development of the biotechnology industry and has formulated a series of development plans, which have effectively promoted the rapid development of this industry. China's biotechnology industry has huge market potential and enterprises are facing unprecedented opportunities for development. At the same time, it is also facing many challenges. Therefore, it is an urgent task to formulate a feasible development strategy to improve the core competitiveness of XH Company. This paper combines the strategic theory with the practice of XH Company. Through the systematic analysis of the external environment, industry environment and internal environment of XH Company, the EFE matrix is used to evaluate the external and internal factors faced by XH Company effectively. The SWOT matrix is used to evaluate and match these factors comprehensively, and the alternative strategy of XH Company is generated. Then the QSPM matrix is used to evaluate the alternative scheme, and it is concluded that product development and market penetration are the preferred strategic combination of the company. In order to ensure the effective implementation of the strategy, a series of improvement measures are put forward in terms of corporate governance structure, human resources, innovation, finance, marketing and corporate culture. This paper takes XH Company as a case study, combining theory with practice, and formulates a strategy suitable for XH company's future development. On the one hand, it provides a reference scheme for the strategy formulation of the company's top decision makers; on the other hand, it helps to promote the strategic management of the company to be scientific.
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