本文选题:大中华影片公司 切入点:陆洁日记 出处:《当代电影》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The Greater China Film Company was founded by Feng Zhenyou, a native of Changshu, Jiangsu Province. It was directed by Gu Kenfu, director of Lu Jie, director of the drama, and director of Pu Wancang's photography. It was formally established in February 9th 1924, and only one piece of people's Heart was filmed. When Shi Bingyuan, Xu Xinfu and others set up the pagoda film company, the funds raised were not enough to make films independently, so they sought to cooperate with Greater China Company with their shares and agreed to take the pagoda as their trademark. Still in the name of Greater China Pictures Company. After shooting a piece of "War performance," and then encountered financial difficulties and internal personnel contradictions, on June 19th 1925, it merged with the Lily Film Company. Known as the Great China Lily Film Company. Although one piece has aroused heated discussion and many good reviews, but the marketing is not good, or because the name does not conform to the actual situation. The literary style, Europeanization style and exquisite route of the works of Greater China Film Company are the unique landscape of the early Chinese film world, and their influence and contribution are indelible.
【作者单位】: 中国电影艺术研究中心;
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