本文选题:高校 切入点:健身俱乐部 出处:《首都体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Commercial fitness clubs in society are emerging in endlessly and developing at such a high speed. People's demand for fitness can be seen, and the fitness clubs in colleges and universities have also realized this. One after another, they have chosen to join the competition in the fitness market. In order to enable the health clubs of colleges and universities to develop scientifically and healthily, it is necessary to fully understand the current operating situation and realize the venue environment and facilities of the fitness clubs. At the same time, as "spokesmen" of fitness clubs, coaches can only fully understand that the team structure of college fitness club coaches mainly includes gender and age structure, educational background structure, work qualification structure, and so on. In order to make consumers realize satisfactory consumption experience, we should not only know the fitness coaches, but also make a reasonable and comprehensive analysis of the individual behavior characteristics of fitness consumers, and then formulate a reasonable operation strategy. In order to improve the service level of the operating fitness club in colleges and universities, the author makes use of the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview and so on. This paper investigates the current situation of the management of fitness clubs in Capital Sports College, including the operation and management of fitness clubs and the basic situation of coaches and consumers. Get the following conclusion: 1.There are some differences between the capital sports college club and the commercial club in the society in terms of management, operation, management idea and way. Its management idea is to guide the students'"self-healthy investment" under the premise of following the market law, to bring the fitness club into the university management system, and to open up to the social crowd, and to propagate and popularize the health club in a single way. The product structure of fitness club is divided into three kinds: core product, formal product and additional product. The core product is fitness service, and the fitness club pays attention to the additional product in product marketing. You can make a profit in the short term. The types of fitness equipment are relatively complete, with emphasis on strength equipment .3.The coaches show a trend of younger age, but they have shorter working years, lack of experience and experience in the work of fitness guidance, and there is a clear division of labor between men and women. Physical education graduates are the main source of coaches. The rate of qualification certification is high, but the system of qualification certification is relatively confused. Coaches have a general attitude towards the current salary situation. Feel that their ability and value do not match .4.Body-building exercises are more popular among male consumers and young people. The consumer population is younger, and there are differences in consumption level. Consumers have a relatively high level of education. Consumers have a single access to clubs, diversified motivations for consumers to exercise, and attach importance to their physical fitness and health status. The difference in fitness period is obvious, and the number of people in high and low peak periods is quite different. The number of times of consumer fitness is uncertain, and the gender of consumers has a high matching degree with fitness items.
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