本文选题:财产保险公司 切入点:经营状况 出处:《浙江工商大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, the international insurance industry presents the characteristics of increasing market concentration, continuous product innovation and rapid development of network insurance. China's insurance industry has also entered a new stage of deepening reform and accelerating development. With the continuous development of China's economy, With the improvement of people's living standard, people's demand for insurance is increasing day by day. China's insurance industry has developed rapidly in the past 30 years. But from the horizontal comparison with developed countries, It is not difficult to find that the insurance industry in our country is far from the developed countries in terms of insurance density or insurance depth. The development level of the insurance industry is still relatively low. In 2014, the State Council issued the new "National Ten articles" of the insurance industry and proposed efforts to be transformed from a big insurance country to an insurance power. In 2015, the Insurance Regulatory Commission officially issued < on deepening the rate Management system for Commercial Automobile Insurance clauses. This marks the official start of the reform of commercial auto insurance rates, which has attracted much attention. In the face of the continuous deepening of the reform of the insurance industry in China, China's insurance companies, especially property insurance companies, are facing new challenges and opportunities. Based on the above background, this paper will introduce the development of Z property insurance company in all directions. Taking its Zhejiang branch as an example, this paper analyzes its operating situation in recent years from the two aspects of premium income and compensation expenditure, and compares it with its head office and industry data, and finds out the advantages and disadvantages of the company. This paper will be divided into the following parts: the first chapter, introduction, mainly introduces the background and significance of the topic, Review of the literature and the research content and research framework of this paper. Chapter II introduction of the company. From the company's development, organizational structure, insurance structure and marketing model four aspects of its introduction. Chapter three, Taking Zhejiang Branch as an example, the premium income of the branch is analyzed and compared with that of the head office and the industry. Then the insurance premium income in recent years is analyzed in detail. Chapter four, the compensation situation of the branch company. Taking Zhejiang branch as an example, the paper analyzes the indemnity rate in recent years and the head office. The industry level is compared, and then divided into channels, subtypes and regions to analyze the odds of compensation. Chapter five, This chapter will use the data envelopment method to analyze the stability and equilibrium of the insurance performance in recent years. Chapter VI, the conclusions and policy recommendations. Summarize the conclusions of the research, and put forward targeted policy recommendations to the branch office.
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