本文选题:智慧旅游 + 旅游规划 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the integration of China's tourism market with the international market, our country is attracting international investors while also bearing the strong pressure of fierce competition in the international tourism market. One of the most important pressures is that the limited resources under the strong pressure brought by the rapid expansion of the tourism market show a state of excess and lack of strength. The fragility of tourism resources, which can not be naturally aggravated by the seriousness of this problem. With the help of modern science and technology, the wisdom of service, management and marketing can not only further improve the tourist experience, but also enhance the international market competitiveness of our tourist attractions. At the same time, it can also enhance the protection of scenic spots, thus helping our tourism to achieve considerable development. Based on this goal, this paper carries on the related research to the Beijing Olympic Park. In the writing of the thesis, it adopts the literature research method, the data research method, the field investigation method, the interview method and so on. The main research contents are: (1) the theoretical and practical framework of intelligent tourism construction. In this part, the author mainly expounds the theory of tourism planning and the theory of intelligent city. (2) the feasibility analysis of intelligent tourism construction. This part mainly introduces the method and evaluation index of feasibility analysis of intelligent tourism construction, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities, challenges and other factors of the development of intelligent tourism in Beijing through SWOT analysis. Finally, the feasibility of constructing intelligent tourism and the innovation of management mechanism are explained through the above analysis.) the development suggestions of intelligent tourism in Beijing are also given. This step is based on the current construction situation and development potential of the wisdom city in Beijing, and puts forward some relevant suggestions on how to further strengthen the construction of the wisdom scenic spot in Beijing. It includes the following measures: starting with the management mechanism of intelligent tourism and scenic spot construction in Beijing, constructing the supporting system of scenic spot, paying more attention to the tourist experience, strengthening the management of tourism enterprises and perfecting the security system, etc. Based on the theory of intelligent tourism and the case study of Olympic Park, the feasibility analysis of intelligent tourism construction in Beijing and Olympic Park is carried out. The research results can provide a scientific reference for the planning and construction of intelligent tourism and the design of intelligent scenic spots in Beijing.
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