本文选题:“老字号” + 品牌形象设计 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The old brand is the witness of China's economic development and embodies the cultural characteristics and historical origin of the Chinese nation. Its humane value and economic value are immeasurable to our country. However, with the change of the times and the continuous development of Chinese economy, the market share of the "old brand" brand gradually declines, withstanding the impact of the foreign brand and the new domestic brand. Each "old brand" brand has more or less experienced the development of the brand difficult. Faced with this situation, many old-name brands tried to save themselves, but to little effect. One of the important factors is that the old brand image does not meet the needs of contemporary development. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the innovation design of "old brand" brand image, and the effective innovation mode is also of practical theoretical significance for the "old brand" brand image innovation behavior. The innovation of "old brand" brand image design is to fully respect the original brand culture and development context of the "old brand" brand under the background of the new era, and integrate its brand culture with new ideas and new ideas. Then around the brand culture, brand image packaging and remodeling. Based on the background of the theory of design, combined with marketing, psychology and many other interdisciplinary subjects, this paper discusses the subordinate relationship and function between brand visual image and brand image. This paper probes into the image innovation design mode of the old brand. According to the existing theoretical research results, the paper puts forward the innovation mode of the brand image design of "old brand" into four kinds: extended innovation mode, subversive innovation mode, reverse innovation model and integrated innovation mode. The application conditions, methods, advantages and disadvantages of the four models, and whether they are suitable for the brand image innovation of the old brand are discussed respectively. Finally, with the innovative mode of the thesis research, guiding Jiangsu Nanjing pastry brand "small Suzhou" brand visual image innovation design practice as the demonstration, through a small part to see the whole, This paper further discusses the feasibility and applicability of applying the theoretical results of the thesis to the brand innovation design of the old brand.
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