本文选题:银行 + 贷款业务 ; 参考:《商场现代化》2016年02期
[Abstract]:With the vigorous development of market economy, the loan business of commercial banks in China is increasing gradually, but it is unavoidable that the loan business of commercial banks bears a huge impact under the influence of the relationship between market economy and the balance of supply and demand. After entering the 21st century, China has become a member of WTO, and the introduction of international finance and the emergence of the world financial crisis have affected the development of banks in varying degrees. In addition, due to the existence of some bad assets and bad credit, commercial banks appear positive competition. The international internal and external financial situation acts together, causes many commercial banks loan business also to become shaky. Although some banks can maintain their business smoothly, there is a general downward trend, which is mainly due to the lack of marketing strategy of commercial banks' loan business and no targeted guidance. Many commercial banks are copied, not combined with reality. This paper-speaking trend, the domestic bank loan business marketing promotion difficult. Under the urgent production situation, how to improve the marketing strategy and promote the transformation and innovation of the bank loan business by means of high precision has become a topic worth pondering over by the major commercial banks. This article mainly through the commercial bank loan service present situation analysis, proposed some guarantees the service promotion, enhances the bank own competition ability, solves the loan difficult present situation. The purpose of this paper is to improve the marketing level of commercial banks' loan business.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江科技大学管理学院;
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