[Abstract]:From 2004, the credit card business of our country ushered in the first spring, in the following ten years, the credit card business of each big bank is booming, the total circulation of the credit card increases by 55% year by year. With the opening of the domestic financial market, credit card business has become the main source of profits of the major banks, so the competition between the banks on credit card customers is becoming increasingly fierce. Compared with large banks, City Commercial Bank has the disadvantage of being short of capital, and its advantage is that it has accumulated high quality customers in a certain region, which provides the possibility for developing credit card business, and the characteristics of credit card business determine more interaction with customers. If we want to carry out the credit card business smoothly, we must provide professional and meticulous customer service for our customers. Therefore, the construction of a credit card customer service system, through which banks can provide customers with considerate, in place services and more accurate marketing experience. With the development of Web technology, the new SSH framework technology based on J2EE framework has gradually replaced the traditional EJB component technology and become a more popular application development framework. In this paper, we focus on the research of the SSH framework and its integration, and apply the SSH framework technology to the implementation of the credit card customer service system. According to the idea of software engineering, this paper discusses the demand, design, realization and test of the system in turn. The system includes the self-help voice module and the chair operating platform module, which is mainly composed of the chair operation, business knowledge base, report management, performance evaluation and background management. Aiming at the representative function modules, this paper expatiates the implementation process from view layer, controller layer, business logic layer and data persistence layer in detail. This project combines the business demand of the city commercial bank to develop the credit card, adopts Java language, J2EE specification and SSH frame, constructs the credit card customer service system, while ensuring the system running performance and the security performance, simultaneously takes into account the operation convenience and the interface friendliness. At the same time, it is also conducive to the maintenance and expansion of the system. After testing the test environment and production environment, the system basically meets the demand, which is helpful to improve the efficiency of customer service, enhance the customer experience and the competitiveness of bank credit card business.
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