[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the rapid development of web2.0 network interactive technology and the popularization of online shopping, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and the phenomenon of homogenization of products and services is becoming more and more serious. It has become difficult to attract customers' continuous attention by adopting the marketing strategy focusing on products and services. However, if enterprises have the ability to interact successfully with customers, it will make them different. Previous research also found that the interaction between enterprises and customers can effectively improve customer relations. Therefore, in this context, based on the perspective of customer trust and customer commitment, this paper constructs and empirically tests business-customer interaction behavior (personnel identification, customer authorization) according to S-O-R theory. Authority interaction) the theoretical model of the influence on the customer's repatronage intention. This research takes Taobao (Tmall) customer as the research object, collects the data through the online questionnaire. SPSS18.0 software and Smart PLS2.0 software are used to analyze the data and test the hypothesis. This paper draws some important conclusions: customer authorization can significantly enhance customer trust in enterprises, but the positive role of customer commitment is not significant, authority interaction can enhance customer trust and commitment level. Customer trust and commitment is an important factor to improve the repatronage willingness, and it is an effective medium for the interaction between customer authorization and authority to influence re-patronage willingness, and the impact of personnel identification on customer trust and customer commitment is not significant. And the customer again patronage intention has the negative direct influence. Based on the results of the study, this paper provides the following management suggestions: (1) emphasizing the role of enterprise-customer interaction in maintaining customers; (2) actively implementing authoritative interaction to enhance customer trust and commitment. And then improve customer repatronage willingness; (3) attach importance to the implementation of customer authorization, which can improve the level of customer trust, and then enhance their repatronage willingness; (4) when enterprises or businesses interact with online customers, Choose carefully and closely monitor the person to identify this interactive tool.
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