[Abstract]:With the arrival of service economy, the concept of generalized retail is more in line with the development trend of theory and practice. The retail format can be divided into three categories: commodity, catering and service retailing. By comparing the marketing combination elements and main latitude of these three kinds of retail formats, it is found that they are in price element, store location element, and so on. There is no difference in main latitude between personnel element and communication factor, but there is great difference in main latitude description of product element, service element and environment factor, etc. These differences are mainly related to the intangible characteristics of products between the three major retail formats. Considering the influence of state innovation on the classification of retail formats, this paper proposes a three-level classification system of retail formats, which consists of three levels: the broad category, the core and the innovation, and by showing the limits of the segmentation and differentiation of the retail business in China. At the same time, 7 basic marketing combination elements and 24 specific latitudes are used to analyze the combination characteristics of catering and service retailing in China, in order to expand the width and depth of the theoretical research of retail trade and to increase the application scope of the research results. To promote the healthy development of the three major retail formats.
【作者单位】: 广东工贸职业技术学院经济贸易系;
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