[Abstract]:"opinions of the State Council on speeding up the Development of Modern crop seed Industry", it is proposed to build a modern crop seed industry system with industry as the main body, enterprises as the main body and "education and reproduction as a whole", so as to promote the development level of China's crop seed industry in an all-round way. The development of seed industry at home and abroad has promoted the formation and development of seed industry science. Seed science is a group of scientific and technological disciplines formed around the development of "breeding and breeding" seed industry, in which crop genetics and breeding is a part, and the theory and technology of seed production. The theory and technology of seed demonstration and marketing constitute the main body of seed science and technology. With the cooperation of the corresponding knowledge of heredity, physiology, information technology, policies and regulations, it becomes a relatively centralized discipline system. China's seed industry science and technology system is being formed and improved. On the basis of reviewing the progress of crop breeding science and technology, including the traditional crop breeding science and technology and the current research hot spots of molecular biological breeding, this paper summarizes eight important breeding theories and technical problems when they appear. Then the advances in crop seed production and demonstration and extension of science and technology are reviewed, and the strategies and suggestions for the development of Chinese seed industry science and technology are discussed. It is proposed that a relatively complete science and technology discipline system of seed industry should be built around the demand of seed industry development, and that the top-level design should be a complementary and mutually coordinated scientific and technological research and development force of seed industry and public welfare seed industry. Priority should be given to the study and solution of major scientific and technological problems in the development of the seed industry, including large-scale breeding techniques, resource enrichment, genetic analysis and innovation, molecular assistant techniques for conventional breeding, transgenic breeding and safety techniques, The system of regional adaptability test of varieties and the system of variety examination and approval should be perfected, the basic commonweal research of seed industry should be carried out, and the standardization system of seed production should be established, and the research and development of crop heterogeneity should be strengthened to make hybrids become the characteristics of future seed industry in China.
【作者单位】: 南京农业大学大豆研究所/国家大豆改良中心/农业部大豆生物学与遗传育种重点实验室(综合)/作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室;南京农业大学农学院种业科学系/江苏省现代作物生产协同创新中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金专项基金软课题研究项目(L1422038) 中国工程院中国工程科技中长期发展战略研究项目(2014-zcq-11) 教育部“111”项目(B08025) 教育部创新团队项目(PCSRT13073) 江苏省优势学科建设工程专项 江苏省JCIC-MCP项目
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