[Abstract]:In life, the magic of color connotation is incredible, it has great influence on people's feelings. Color plays a very important role in people's life. It can affect people's feelings and even affect their emotions. As the designer of tea packaging, we should fully grasp the important role of color in tea packaging, in order to create infinite additional value with the lowest cost and create greater economic benefits for tea sales. Therefore, designers must have a keen sense of color, catch the fashionable color of the times and the future development trend, pay attention to grasp the pulse of the times, follow the trend of tea packaging design. As designers should dare to innovate the application of tea packaging materials, lubricate tea packaging color design channels, carefully listen to the new technology and methods of tea packaging sounded the horn, with the soul of tea lovers aesthetic taste, In order to lead tea packaging design, leading the climax of tea sales, paving the way for tea marketing.
【作者单位】: 江西科技师范大学美术学院;
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