[Abstract]:In order to better serve customers, Guizhou Mobile Communications Co., Ltd. has developed a one-sentence marketing management system of Guizhou Mobile Guiyang Branch. The paper introduces the research background, project significance and current research and application status of the one-sentence marketing management system of Guizhou Mobile Guiyang Branch, and clarifies the content and main work of the thesis. The paper analyzes the existing problems of the system, the organization, the original business process and so on, and gives the revamped business process, in the function analysis, the function of the system is clarified by use case analysis and use case description. The general function package diagram and sub-function package diagram of the system are given, including user feature management, one-sentence management, marketing template management, planning configuration management, basic data management, marketing query management and system management. In the data analysis, the paper analyzes the data needed to deal with each function of the system, gives the entity class relation diagram, establishes the database table structure, and summarizes the research and analysis work done in the last part of the paper. The future work is prospected.
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