[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the development of Yunnan small and micro enterprises is very rapid, and the scale is becoming larger and larger, which has become an important force to promote the growth of the national economy of Yunnan Province. As a result, the demand for corporate capital and some financial services from small and micro enterprises in Yunnan also increased. However, compared with large enterprises, small and micro enterprises lack systematic statements and collateral, which leads some other financial institutions in Yunnan to think twice about the financing risk of small and micro enterprises and hope to stop. According to the theory of financing and the present situation and characteristics of the financing business in Kunming Branch of G Bank, this paper combines the practice of the work, and the actual situation of the small and micro enterprises in Yunnan. This paper finds out the problems existing in the development of financing business of small and micro enterprises in Kunming Branch of G Bank, and probes into further service strategies. To ensure that the Kunming Branch of G Bank can make greater progress in the area of capital turnover services for small and micro enterprises, and that small and micro enterprises can also play a certain role in society, which can enliven the atmosphere of the market, stimulate market demand, and maintain social stability, Increase the employment rate, etc. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction part, the second part is the related theory overview; The third part is the current situation of small and micro enterprise financing and G bank Kunming Branch financing service situation analysis, through the G bank Kunming branch of small and micro enterprise financing service situation of a comprehensive analysis, summed up the service flow service quality of small and micro enterprises. And the corresponding service object. The fourth part is the analysis of the problems and causes of financing service of small and micro enterprises in Kunming Branch of G Bank, and find out the existing problems in the financing service, and analyze the reasons one by one in view of each problem. The fifth part is the strategy put forward by Kunming Branch of G Bank on how to carry out the capital turnover service of small and micro enterprises, which is more effective and more rapid to put forward the feasible financing service measures for small and micro enterprises. Mainly through the customer manager team building, marketing, improving the ability of credit risk management, changing business philosophy, innovative product model. The sixth part is the conclusion.
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