[Abstract]:Under the mode of "agricultural super docking", rural cooperatives can not only have reliable and stable marketing channels of agricultural products, but also obtain reliable and stable income for participating farmers. Supermarkets can also provide good products for consumers. In order to promote the development of this mode of cooperation and promote the recognition of rural cooperative products by consumers, we should increase the marketing of cooperative products, further expand the sales of agricultural products, and increase the profit space of supermarkets and farmers. To provide a greater impetus for the continued cooperation between supermarkets and farmers, to make the mode of "agricultural super docking" more stable and continue to develop, in the process of development, constantly improve and improve, become the mainstream mode of agricultural production and management, Open the new train of thought of agricultural management development. At present, the marketing level of agricultural products is low in the mode of "agricultural super docking", which affects the promotion of the sales of agricultural products in supermarkets. This paper analyzes the existing problems from the aspects of consumers, brands, product marketing strategies and market propaganda, etc. And from these several aspects to explore the effective marketing strategy.
【作者单位】: 河南经贸职业学院;
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