发布时间:2018-11-23 07:55
【摘要】:随着互联网的迅猛发展,3G网络的普及,为电子商务的发展提供了更为广阔的空间。网络营销受到各大企业的青睐,利用网络传播的开放性、互动性和快捷性的特点,来拓宽销售渠道。在这样的机遇与挑战并存的环境下,,面对如此庞大的网络零售市场,如何抵御激烈的竞争,获得竞争优势和稳定的客户资源。根据顾客特征吸引并留住忠诚顾客,是电子商务企业面临的最为重要的课题。 面对复杂多变的网络环境,很多企业盲目地追求顾客满意,并没有在满意的基础上对顾客的网络忠诚进行具体的分析与研究。论文通过对大量文献的梳理,总结出电子商务环境下顾客满意及顾客忠诚的内涵,分析了满意度及忠诚度的影响因素及二者之间的关系。结合电子商务环境下顾客忠诚的特点,明确了满意情景下顾客忠诚程度评价指标的构建原则,并分析了各个要素之间的关系然后得出了网络顾客忠诚度的评价指标,设计了可量化的评价指标体系。根据评价指标体系,结合模糊C-均值聚类算法,构建了网络顾客忠诚度评价测度模型。将满意情境下的网络顾客划分为不同忠诚度等级。论文选取了十家经营日用百货和零食的C2C电子商务企业进行实证,利用企业的相关数据以进行了实证分析,针对实证分析的结果,提出了培育和提升满意情境下网络顾客忠诚度的具体策略。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet and the popularization of 3G network, it provides a wider space for the development of electronic commerce. Network marketing is favored by many enterprises. It uses the characteristics of openness, interactivity and rapidity of network communication to widen the sales channels. In such an environment of both opportunities and challenges, how to resist the fierce competition, obtain competitive advantage and stable customer resources in the face of such a huge online retail market. Attracting and retaining loyal customers according to customer characteristics is the most important subject that e-commerce enterprises face. Facing the complex and changeable network environment, many enterprises blindly pursue customer satisfaction, and do not carry on the concrete analysis and research to customer's network loyalty on the basis of satisfaction. This paper summarizes the connotation of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty under the environment of electronic commerce, and analyzes the influencing factors of satisfaction and loyalty and the relationship between them. Combined with the characteristics of customer loyalty in electronic commerce environment, this paper clarifies the construction principle of customer loyalty degree evaluation index in satisfaction situation, and analyzes the relationship between various factors, and then obtains the evaluation index of network customer loyalty. A quantifiable evaluation index system is designed. According to the evaluation index system and the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm, the evaluation model of network customer loyalty is constructed. The network customers in the satisfied situation are divided into different loyalty levels. This paper selects ten C2C e-commerce enterprises which are engaged in daily department stores and snacks to carry out empirical analysis, and makes use of the relevant data of the enterprises to carry out empirical analysis, aiming at the results of the empirical analysis. The specific strategies to cultivate and enhance the network customer loyalty under the situation of satisfaction are put forward.
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet and the popularization of 3G network, it provides a wider space for the development of electronic commerce. Network marketing is favored by many enterprises. It uses the characteristics of openness, interactivity and rapidity of network communication to widen the sales channels. In such an environment of both opportunities and challenges, how to resist the fierce competition, obtain competitive advantage and stable customer resources in the face of such a huge online retail market. Attracting and retaining loyal customers according to customer characteristics is the most important subject that e-commerce enterprises face. Facing the complex and changeable network environment, many enterprises blindly pursue customer satisfaction, and do not carry on the concrete analysis and research to customer's network loyalty on the basis of satisfaction. This paper summarizes the connotation of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty under the environment of electronic commerce, and analyzes the influencing factors of satisfaction and loyalty and the relationship between them. Combined with the characteristics of customer loyalty in electronic commerce environment, this paper clarifies the construction principle of customer loyalty degree evaluation index in satisfaction situation, and analyzes the relationship between various factors, and then obtains the evaluation index of network customer loyalty. A quantifiable evaluation index system is designed. According to the evaluation index system and the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm, the evaluation model of network customer loyalty is constructed. The network customers in the satisfied situation are divided into different loyalty levels. This paper selects ten C2C e-commerce enterprises which are engaged in daily department stores and snacks to carry out empirical analysis, and makes use of the relevant data of the enterprises to carry out empirical analysis, aiming at the results of the empirical analysis. The specific strategies to cultivate and enhance the network customer loyalty under the situation of satisfaction are put forward.
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