[Abstract]:Under the guidance of the 12th Five-Year Plan of the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical industry in China will still develop steadily. Economic growth and policy guarantee will promote the rapid growth of pharmaceutical consumption. Technological innovation, quality and safety, and international competitiveness have all been promoted to a certain extent. The quality and value of pharmaceutical products will also be improved in the process of changing certificates for the new version of GMP. This has created a good external environment for the development of Chinese API enterprises. BH Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was established in 2002 as a national GSP certification enterprise. Through long-term accumulation and efforts, the company has successfully become the most influential pharmaceutical enterprise in South China. In the past, antimicrobial API was not the focus of BH pharmaceutical company's development, and it lacked effective investment. At the same time, BH pharmaceutical company's lack of marketing strategy and strategy planning of antimicrobial API products, the implementation and guarantee of marketing strategy had some misunderstandings. As a result, the market competitiveness of most antimicrobial API products of BH Pharmaceutical Company is insufficient, which can not bring benefits to the company. This paper analyzes and studies the external marketing environment and the present situation of the raw drug products of BH Pharmaceutical Company by using the SWOT analysis tool, and uses the QSPM matrix tool to determine that the marketing strategy of the company should be positioned on the market development of the antimicrobial API. Finally, around the marketing strategy positioning of antimicrobial API, the theory of 4V (differential (Variation), functional (Versatility), added value (Value), resonance (Vibration) is used as the theoretical basis for the formulation of marketing strategy. To develop effective product marketing strategy of BH Pharmaceutical Company, which can adapt to the market environment, put forward the marketing strategy of antimicrobial API products, improve the sales performance of the company, expand the market scale, And put forward the safeguard measures of BH Pharmaceutical Company to implement marketing strategy, so that the company can carry out the marketing activities of antimicrobial API products more efficiently.
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