[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization and aging society, there are many urban diseases in China, and the incidence of these diseases is getting younger. Forest health tourism, which can improve human immunity and prevent diseases, is a form of forest tourism which emphasizes the efficacy of forest health care. Forest health tourism research combines the knowledge of ecology, medicine, sociology and other related disciplines. This study selected holiday tourists from Jianfeng Mountain, Dawei Mountain and Lushan Mountain as the research objects, and constructed the Forest Tourism experience scale and Forest Health Care efficacy perception scale by the method of literature research. The scale was revised through trial investigation and expert consultation. Through reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, multi-group structural equation model fitting test, Analysis of variance obtained four main conclusions: (1) Youth short-term weekend vacation and elderly long-term summer vacation are the main market of forest health tourism; (2) the evaluation of forest health tourism experience and forest health efficacy perception is affected by the characteristics of tourism destination, and the product type and life cycle stage are the main influencing factors; (3) Forest health tourism experience has a significant impact on forest health efficacy perception; (4) the regulating effects of health status on the three paths of "ecological environment experience and health recovery", "ecological environment experience and social relationship improvement", "forest facility experience and physical health recovery" are significant; (5) the elderly group had the strongest feeling about the recovery of physical health, the tourists with different occupations had different experiences of forest health tourism and the perception of the efficacy of forest health care, and the tourists with monthly income of more than 8000 yuan had the strongest feeling about the improvement of social relations. The experience of forest health tourism and the perception of forest health efficacy were different among the tourists with different length of stay. According to the conclusion of the study, the paper puts forward three enlightenments of forest health tourism practice: (1) the special product development of forest health tourism should meet the market demand, (2) pay attention to the marketing of forest health tourism resources; (3) pay attention to the environmental protection of the forest recreation area.
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