[Abstract]:As an online product which provides comprehensive tourism consultation and online service, tourism website has increasingly become an important means for major tourism companies to improve their popularity, promote online products and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. The development of tourism websites has also raised new issues for language research and translation studies. Tourism website translation not only has the general features of the general tourism style translation, but also has its personality characteristics. Through this translation, the author aims to transform the content of the original Chinese tourism web page into a target website that the target readers can accept, use and identify with culture, so as to achieve the purpose of marketing tourism products and enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. The translation task of Xi'an Tianma International Travel Agency is the translation project of Thai Phuket 7 th luxury tour page. The author undertakes the translation of a tour route in the Chinese website of the Society, and introduces and reflects on the whole translation process. The author analyzes the features of words, sentence patterns, rhetorical devices and writing styles of the original text of the project, and summarizes the theoretical strategies and translation methods to be adopted in the process of translation. The report consists of three parts: pre-translation, translation-Chinese and post-translation. The author summarizes and analyzes the features of the original text from the lexical level, the page layout level and the page content level of the original text, with Fimmel's Skopos Theory and Newmark's translation communication strategy as the main support. In addition, the author summarizes three pairs of translation methods according to the specific difficulties encountered in the process of translation, namely, adding translation and saving translation, splitting and integrating, literal translation and free translation; Two linguistic phenomena, namely, the use of modified vocabulary and the use of imperative sentences, are illustrated by a large number of examples. Finally, the author shares the experience of the practice and puts forward his views on the translation profession. Through this project practice, I really feel the professional accomplishment that a professional translator should possess. A qualified interpreter needs to effectively combine the translation theory he has learned with the concrete practice. In the course of his task, he needs to repeatedly communicate with the client and proofreader, communicate effectively, adhere to professional ethics and follow the principle of "reader's welfare" all the time. Make every effort to protect the interests of the client. The author hopes that the practice report can provide some reference and inspiration for the translation of tourism website texts in the future.
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