[Abstract]:In the past two years, the futures industry has developed rapidly, such as asset management, internal and external arbitrage, Internet finance and other innovative business booming. Under the environment of data center formed under the background of data concentration, the new system of futures company is required to be more stable and robust, and it has the ability of disaster tolerance, eliminates the isolated island of information, realizes the planning goal of data concentration in financial industry, and reduces the system risk. Based on Oracle database data and ETL (Extract Transform Load) technology, this system can extract data from production system through open source ETL tools and use it as the basic data source of information management system after cleaning and finishing. The purpose of separating query report form from production data is achieved. In the architecture, Microsoft C # and. Net layered technology are used to realize the logical hierarchy of software architecture to improve the security. Using ODP.Net instead of traditional ADO.Net, in data access layer makes database access and operation more stable and fast. This paper mainly studies the design and implementation of customer management subsystem of futures company information management system. This system is an important part of futures company information management system. It not only uses some characteristics of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for reference. In the light of the actual characteristics of the domestic futures industry and futures companies, starting from the reality of customer management needs, exploring high-quality customers, providing targeted differentiated services through customer grading management, and providing guidance for the company's marketing management, Then create new customer value and business growth point. Customer management subsystem includes customer information management, intermediary information management, customer contract management, customer order recording management and customer grading management 5 functional modules and 16 sub-functions. The overall system meets the design requirements at the beginning of the design to meet the business requirements of customer management in futures companies.
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