发布时间:2018-07-17 17:56
【摘要】:正办公室工作具有综合性、广泛性、服务性、琐碎性等特点,不仅任务艰巨,而且头绪繁杂。要当好办公室成员,做好办公室工作实非易事。笔者根据多年工作实践,有以下几点体会: 一、脑要清 办公室工作千头万绪,接触面广,事情复杂。办公室成员在处理日常工作中要有清醒头脑。首先要有坚定的政治立场,与党中央大政方针和上级文件精神保持高度统一,做到领会贯通,执行时不走样越格,切忌别出心裁,搞“个人创作”,更不能白以为是,与上级领导离心离德,出现中间梗阻,政令不畅的问题。其次是在处理繁杂的日常性工作中,既要抓住工作重点,分清主次,又要统筹考虑,兼顾一般,既要能抱西瓜,又要会拣芝麻,切忌轻重不分,本末倒置,抓小事,失大
[Abstract]:Office work with comprehensive, extensive, service, trivial and other characteristics, not only difficult task, and complex. It is not easy to be a good office member and do a good job in the office. According to years of work practice, the author has the following experience: first, to clear the office to work thousands of threads, wide contact, complex things. Office members should have a clear head in their daily work. First of all, we must have a firm political stand, maintain a high degree of unity with the general policies of the Party Central Committee and the spirit of the higher level documents, so that we can fully understand, do not lose sight of the situation when we carry out this work, avoid being creative and engage in "personal creation," let alone think that it is. With the superior leadership centrifuge, there is intermediate obstruction, the issue of government orders unobstructed. Secondly, in dealing with the complicated daily work, we should not only grasp the focus of the work, distinguish the priorities and priorities, but also consider as a whole, taking into account the general situation. We should not only be able to hold watermelon, but also be able to pick sesame seeds. We must avoid any distinction between weight and weight, put the cart before the horse, pay attention to small matters, and lose great importance.
【作者单位】: 湖北省罗田县农业银行 湖北省罗田县农业银行
[Abstract]:Office work with comprehensive, extensive, service, trivial and other characteristics, not only difficult task, and complex. It is not easy to be a good office member and do a good job in the office. According to years of work practice, the author has the following experience: first, to clear the office to work thousands of threads, wide contact, complex things. Office members should have a clear head in their daily work. First of all, we must have a firm political stand, maintain a high degree of unity with the general policies of the Party Central Committee and the spirit of the higher level documents, so that we can fully understand, do not lose sight of the situation when we carry out this work, avoid being creative and engage in "personal creation," let alone think that it is. With the superior leadership centrifuge, there is intermediate obstruction, the issue of government orders unobstructed. Secondly, in dealing with the complicated daily work, we should not only grasp the focus of the work, distinguish the priorities and priorities, but also consider as a whole, taking into account the general situation. We should not only be able to hold watermelon, but also be able to pick sesame seeds. We must avoid any distinction between weight and weight, put the cart before the horse, pay attention to small matters, and lose great importance.
【作者单位】: 湖北省罗田县农业银行 湖北省罗田县农业银行
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