[Abstract]:Comrade: I am the old subscriber and reader of Chinese and Foreign Management. I would like to thank the Chinese and Foreign Management for my enlightening education. She benefits from the deep idea of "leading" the idea of managing enterprises. Professor Yang Peiting, president and editor-in-chief, has repeatedly stated the principles of running a magazine: the emphasis is on publicizing the business philosophy, keeping away from news and seeking for strange things, and offering the ideas and methods to inspire managers and managers to govern enterprises. We are the beneficiaries, Ai Feng said at the conference, "for enterprises, research opportunities, understand opportunities, seize opportunities, is the most important." We have personal experience and experience. Twenty years ago, as an individual doctor, I founded the first farmer hospital in Henan Province, Yimin hemorrhoids and Fistula Hospital, and attended with honor the National Ministry of Health's commendation conference for outstanding rural doctors. In November 1998, I again financed the buyout of workers and staff. The bankrupt western Henan pharmaceutical factory was acquired. At present, the property rights are clear, the private people have them, and there are no redundant personnel.
【作者单位】: 豫西药业公司
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5 赵s,