[Abstract]:It is a very important and urgent task in the current financial work to train the financial talents in the cross-century. Accounting for 70% of the total number of young staff and workers, will become a major force in the cross-century financial reform. How to care about the growth of young workers and young workers to become cross-century financial talents? I think that it is imperative to start with mobilizing the enthusiasm of young workers and staff, to stimulate the inherent potential of young workers, and to make young workers glow with youthful vigor, health and positive mental outlook, and devote themselves to learning with the greatest enthusiasm. Go to work and production. Encouraging people to lead by example is the most basic prerequisite for mobilizing the enthusiasm of young workers and staff. "there are only unqualified commanders in the world and no bad soldiers." The former plays a decisive role in the two aspects of "motivator" and "motivated person". From Yue Jia Jun of ancient battlefield to Ma Jia Jun of Chinese and foreign sports circles, all proved this point without exception. The positive motivation of young workers involves two aspects: "motivator" and "motivated person". First of all, they should focus their eyes on the "motivator" and grasp the contradiction, and then grasp the essence of the problem. The influence of leaders plays a vital role in arousing the enthusiasm of young workers. "the train runs fast and depends entirely on the front band." A leader is the leader of an enterprise. As an "motivator," he should know himself correctly.
【作者单位】: 工商银行丰顺县支行 工商银行丰顺县支行
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