[Abstract]:All official documents have their own specific readers, and these readers not only read the official documents, but also carry out some of the contents of the official documents, or use the contents of the official documents as the guidance and reference for the work. Or to examine and approve the contents of official documents and so on, there is a problem of how to make "specific readers" (that is, the addressee) to understand the contents of official documents more quickly and better, that is, to improve the efficiency of handling documents. When writing official documents, pay attention to the application of logical laws, you can help solve the above problems. The author of the official document writes according to the logic law, the argument of the official document is clear, the center is prominent, and the structure is reasonable. Accurate expression, the reader can quickly grasp the center, understand the spirit, and deal with it quickly. On the contrary, if the reader does not understand or understand the contents of the official document, and cannot handle it quickly, the efficiency of the work will be affected. Thus, pay attention to logic, correctly apply the principle of logic in official documents, can better play the current utility of official documents.
【作者单位】: 中华女子学院基础部
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